Gary Lech <> writes:

> Hopefully the list will accept these embedded screen shots. I've got
> this altimeter configured identical to one that has flown ARLISS in
> the past but just want to make sure that my understanding is
> correct. ARLISS is unique in that it ejects a payload precisely 6
> seconds after apogee. At apogee the first charge blows. Then 6 seconds
> later the Pyro Channel A blows. Then 2 seconds later (8 seconds after
> apogee) the Pyro Channel B blows. Then at 1000' the Main charge
> blows. Is that correct?

You've got it configured to fire Channel A correctly (6 seconds after
apogee), but Channel B is configured to fire just 2 seconds after
apogee. If you want that to fire 8 seconds after apogee, you would want
to set the delay to 8 instead of 2.

The channels are entirely independent; it doesn't sequence through them,
you can use them in any order.


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