>...  Amanda's way of attempting to balance the backup 
>load throughout the dumpcycle messing up my schedule.  ...

Seems to me you're the one messing up Amanda's schedule :-) :-).

In addition to the idea from Thommy, you could create one file like this
called "full":

  define dumptype full_or_incremental {
    strategy noinc

and another like this in a file named "incremental":

  define dumptype full_or_incremental {
    strategy nofull

then in your amanda.conf have this line early on:

  includefile "full_or_incremental"

and have every dumptype (or global) reference the above dumptype

  define dumptype global {

The amdump cron job then sets a symlink of full_or_incremental to either
"full" or "incremental" depending on what day it is.

  today=`date '+%A'`
  rm -f full_or_incremental
  if [ $today = Friday ]
    ln -s full full_or_incremental
    ln -s incremental full_or_incremental
  amdump ...

>Bill Campbell

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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