On Wednesday 12 June 2002 03:30, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
>Hallo Gene,
>Tuesday, June 11, 2002, 11:32:29 PM, you wrote:
>GH> So you should be using the /dev/nst(number) descriptor as it
> doesn't do GH> an automatic rewind as it closes the path.  Amanda
> will rewind the tape GH> by herself when she needs it rewound.
>When using the HP Colorado 8GB Drive it ainīt necessary to make a "mt
>offl" to get the tape out, so it isnīt done at my customerīs site.
>Will Amanda rewind the the tape next time it is used ?
>We get some strange "out of tape"-errors and yesterday it came to my
>mind that those missing "mt offl"-commands could be responsible.
>Otherwise amcheck has to rewind the tape when checking the label ...
Which it will happily do.  One should have in his crontab entries, a 
command to run amcheck at some point early enough in the day that you 
get its email if it sends any and can fix whatever it fusses about 
before the next scheduled backup.  In the examples in the install dir 
there are sample lines to add to the crontab for that, and the -m 
option there tells it to only email you, as root or whatever, the 
results IF there is a problem.  No email, no problem.  Or at least 
thats how its supposed to work, I'm having a hell of a time with it 
here since upgrading to RH-7.3, permissions, missing files that are in 
fact there are two very common errors.

And I'm suddenly plagued by parity errors on the scsi bus, again with no 
change other than RH7.3 instead of a mishmash of 7.0 and up.

Anybody else run into this one?

Cheers, Gene

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