The files are installed in /usr/local/libexec/amanda if gnuplot is found at configure time.

I don't know why the font are big on fc8.


Gene Heskett wrote:

Has amplot and friends been removed from amanda?

The reason I ask is that when I got done cleaning up duplicated files here (I have installed and tested just about every snapshot since early January), I have in /usr/local/libexec, the files:

left, which all carry a Jan 5 date, whereas the most recently built and installed files all carry todays date as there we installed Amanda 2.6.0b2-20080213 about 15 minutes before the run this morning.

Humm, I take it amplot was not being built as gnuplot wasn't installed by the default F8 install, which I had to do right after new years because something wiped LSN0 on my boot drive clean, zeroed it out. So I have installed gnuplot now, and it runs, but the fonts are huge, resulting in an unreadable display. I'll make clean, reconfigure and re-install. That now installed new versions of the above files in the new locations so I nuked the older ones. But the font used by amplot is still way too big and needs scaled down by 50% to be usable.

So call this a bug report, amplot's font is too big and overlaps itself. IIRC, this has been a long standing problem here, but I can't find anything else to fuss about this morning. :-)

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