The index doesn't seem to be all that is needed. I looked at one of the index files, and it contained all the items in that backup for that dle, but it didn't indicate what tape it went to. That seems to be in the logs.

I think I can see how to merge the index directories, because the indexes are all date/time/dle stamped. So, if I switched a client from the old server to the new server on, say May 16, then it's older indexes would be on the old server and it's newer ones would be on the new server. I could copy the old indexes over to the new server without stepping on anything.

However, the log files don't seem to be so neatly segmented, and I'm not sure 
how I would merge them.

I would love to do a complete merge for another reason. While I moved all the clients to the new server yesterday, I commented out many of the dle's to avoid having a complete set of full backups done all at once. I expected to add a portion of the dle's each day through the end of this week. However, if I could do a complete merge of the Amanda databases from the old server to the new server, then the planner would have that information and would take care of everything for me. You kind of get spoiled using Amanda and end up expecting that sort of thing. ;-)

On 5/22/13 12:47 PM, Brian Cuttler wrote:

You saved the index files? Just copy them to a separate directory
and search them manually if necessary, or copy the entire amanda
structure but give it a config name that is different than the
functional one on the new server.

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 12:08:08PM -0400, Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
With luck I won't need this, but one doesn't assume luck when planning
backup systems. ;-)

I've just successfully transferred a tape library from an old Sun E250
running Solaris 9 and Amanda 2.5.1p3 to a new SuperMicro running Ubuntu
12.04 LTS and Amanda 3.3.3. This has been a somewhat slow transition. We
have moved that departments web services to the new server and set up
Amanda on it. It was backing itself up, and then I moved a few other
servers to it late last week. This was being held on a sizable pair of
holding disks. The original E250 was still backing up a few other servers
and itself. Then yesterday, after the Monday night backups flushed the
weekend backups out to tape on the E250, we moved the tape library and
switched all the servers to being backed up by the new server. That ran
last night, and the tape library is working just fine.

After transferring the tape library, I copied over
/usr/local/amanda/etc/daily/tapelist so that the new server would continue
with the correct tape sequence. That seems to have worked just fine.

After this has been running for 6 weeks, all the tapes will have been
cycled around and the Amanda database will reflect only what has been
backed up on the new server. However, between now and then, if I need to
recover something that was backed up on the E250, I have the tape library
and tapes on the SuperMicro, but the Amanda database is on the E250 for
part of the backups.

Is there a simple clean way of transferring that information from the E250
without stepping on the Amanda database entries that have been accumulated
already on the SuperMicro?



Chris Hoogendyk

   O__  ---- Systems Administrator
  c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
 (*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst



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