On 06/05/2013 01:41 PM, Brian Cuttler wrote:

Yes, I did find some information on a run time mechanism to
increase the 256 file limit (file limit stored in unsigned character).

The work-around employes requires the exection of /usr/lib/extendedFILE.so.1
prior to the binary being executed.

Following up on your maxcheck and Spindle number, I wonder if I
couldn't automatically build an alternate disklist file with
spindle number and swap it in and out. It would have to be done
dynamically (since my disklist changes and making changes in
multiple locations is error prone), but that can be scripted and
called from cron.

/* I need something that will handle both formats of DLE
finsen  /export2 zfs-snapshot2
finsen  /export/home-AZ /export/home   {
         include "./[A-Z]*"

Since this is an amanda-client issue, rather than an amanda server
issue, I need to ask you, how to execute this on the client-side
before attempting to check the DLE list. Is there a way to invoke
this from the amanda daemon?
It must be done on the server before amcheck is executed.

./script-add-spindle < disklist > disklist.spindle
./amcheck CONF -odiskfile=disklist.spindle


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