Am 2016-07-06 um 19:13 schrieb Jean-Louis Martineau:

It wait for an operator because you set an interactivity. And that's why
it continue to scan the changer, to detect change in it.

I didn't set an interactivity intentionally.

But the config has grown and that setting might come from the admin there.

define interactivity inter_tty_email {
    plugin "tty_email"
    property "mailto" "admin1" "admin2"
    property "resend-delay" "10"
    property "check-file" "/tmp/email_input"
    property "check-file-delay" "10"
interactivity "inter_tty_email"

--- I commented the last line to un-set it, ok?

Currently the correct tape is in the library, so I have to wait for the admin on site to test things when the tape is not in there.

Anyway, amanda should use the holdingdisk if it is allowed! What is the
holdingdisk setting in the dumptype?

holdingdisk hd1 {
    comment "main holding disk"
    directory "/mnt/backup/amhold/myconf"
    use -50 Gb
    chunksize 5Gb

reserve 40

flush-threshold-dumped 40
flush-threshold-scheduled 40

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