Q to others:  does the client  have to have the same username and locations as 
the server?

A  to you:  for my own peace of mind and ease of finding things,  I personally 
would rebuild it from scratch.   But I only know about RedHat.  Then again,  
you are already used to building from scratch,  so ….

Deb Baddorf

> On Apr 13, 2017, at 2:53 PM, Chris Hoogendyk <hoogen...@bio.umass.edu> wrote:
> I have a group of amanda servers and clients that are all Ubuntu 14.04 with 
> amanda 3.3.6 installed from source with ssh config and user amanda.
> Now I'm trying to set up a new client that is Ubuntu 16.04. I saw that the 
> aptitude had amanda 3.3.6, common, server, and client packages. So, I 
> thought, hey, that will make things easy.
> Not.
> So, it seems they built the package with user backup, home directory 
> /var/backups, and shell /usr/sbin/nologin. There doesn't seem to be any 
> readme or install or configure instructions anywhere explaining how it has 
> been built and how it has to be set up to function. I had assumed it would be 
> largely ready to go, with instructions on what configuration remained to be 
> done.
> I also haven't been able to find much of anything through google.
> Does anyone have any guidance on this? Or should I just rip it out and build 
> from source? Amanda is one of the few things that I have continued to build 
> from source since I switched from Solaris to Ubuntu several years ago. All 
> the other major packages get patches and security updates fairly regularly, 
> so it pays to stick with aptitude.
> -- 
> ---------------
> Chris Hoogendyk
> -
>   O__  ---- Systems Administrator
>  c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geosciences Departments
> (*) \(*) -- 315 Morrill Science Center
> ~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst
> <hoogen...@bio.umass.edu>
> ---------------
> Erdös 4

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