Close to working, but not quite.

Here is the line from /tmp/amanda/server/daily/amcheck.20170414130845.debug on 
the server:

Fri Apr 14 13:08:45 2017: thd-0x2383200: amcheck-clients: exec: /usr/bin/ssh -x -o BatchMode=yes -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey -l backup -i /usr/local/etc/amanda/.ssh/id_rsa_daily_config kilgore.server.isb.nsm /usr/local/libexec/amanda/amandad -auth=ssh

The key is that it is asking to execute /usr/local/libexec/amanda/amandad on the client, but amandad is at /usr/lib/amanda/amandad. I had changed that in the authorized_keys file on the client, but where is the server getting that in the first place? How do I change it for this client, short of setting up that directory with a symlink? And, would a symlink even work? Or would the security checks disallow a symlink?

At the moment, I'm getting "Permission denied (publickey,password)." during 

On 4/14/17 12:07 PM, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

The home directory is not important, but you must put the .amandahosts
and .ssh there.

In the dle, you must set client-username and probably amandad-path (but
it is better to set it in the client .ssh/authorized_keys for security.

According to,
the nologin shell should not be a problem.
But you can set it to valid shell if you want to connect to the client

Try to ssh the client from the server to accept the server keys
(known_hosts),a valid might be required here, I'm not sure.
Then run amcheck.


On 14/04/17 11:46 AM, Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
> Thank you, Jean-Louis,
> It's not so much a question of what doesn't work as it is of where to
> start.
> There doesn't seem to be any documentation of how the Debian/Ubuntu
> package was built or what steps should be required to implement a client.
> Typically, when I build Amanda on a client, I build it with ssh-auth
> and user and group amanda. After the client is built and installed, I
> manually ssh back and forth to set up the known_hosts, transfer the
> public key to the new client, set up .amandahosts, and maybe a couple
> of other steps. Then I edit the disklist and add entries for the new
> client, run amcheck, and work out any remaining glitches, but usually
> it just works at this point.
> With the Debian/Ubuntu 3.3.6 package on Ubuntu 16.04, as I tried to
> figure out what had been done, I started out by running `dpkg-query -L
> amanda-client`. Since there was no amanda user or amandbackup user
> installed, I began looking at user backup. But its home directory,
> /var/backups, seemed weird, and its shell was /usr/sbin/nologin. So
> then what? Is it assumed that I will manually edit known_hosts and so
> on? And will the ssh-auth connection work when the client user has a
> shell of /usr/sbin/nologin? Or should I change that shell to something
> that works? And then just start hacking through with my normal
> procedures, but with a special dumptype that incorporates
> client-username "backup"?
> I'd prefer to do it as intended rather than hacking. One would presume
> that should be smoother, assuming the intended setup is known
> (documented).
> On 4/14/17 8:29 AM, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
>> Chris,
>> We could help if you tell us what doesn't work.
>> Jean-Louis
>> On 13/04/17 03:53 PM, Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
>> > I have a group of amanda servers and clients that are all Ubuntu 14.04
>> > with amanda 3.3.6 installed from source with ssh config and user
>> amanda.
>> >
>> > Now I'm trying to set up a new client that is Ubuntu 16.04. I saw that
>> > the aptitude had amanda 3.3.6, common, server, and client packages.
>> > So, I thought, hey, that will make things easy.
>> >
>> > Not.
>> >
>> > So, it seems they built the package with user backup, home directory
>> > /var/backups, and shell /usr/sbin/nologin. There doesn't seem to be
>> > any readme or install or configure instructions anywhere explaining
>> > how it has been built and how it has to be set up to function. I had
>> > assumed it would be largely ready to go, with instructions on what
>> > configuration remained to be done.
>> >
>> > I also haven't been able to find much of anything through google.
>> >
>> > Does anyone have any guidance on this? Or should I just rip it out and
>> > build from source? Amanda is one of the few things that I have
>> > continued to build from source since I switched from Solaris to Ubuntu
>> > several years ago. All the other major packages get patches and
>> > security updates fairly regularly, so it pays to stick with aptitude.
>> >
>> >
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Chris Hoogendyk

   O__  ---- Systems Administrator
  c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geosciences Departments
 (*) \(*) -- 315 Morrill Science Center
~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst



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