On 5/12/19 12:36 PM, Charles Curley wrote:
> I removed the offending files, and that was fine. Am I incorrect in
> assuming that "make distclean" should remove everything not managed by
> the git repo?

Nope.  It just undoes everything that the automake or its Makefiles
(ideally all) created.  That's it.

The way to clean a repo quickly and specifically for git is "git clean
-d -f"  (directory trees too).

> --------------------------------------------------
> dh_fixperms -v >> /home/charles/amanda/build/debian/dpkg.log 2>&1
> # fix perms manually
> chown -R amandabackup:disk debian/*/var/lib/*
> chown: invalid user: ‘amandabackup:disk’

I still have no idea why the initial build needs the users that are
actually created *in* the pre-install script.  It's just how it was
done, apparently.

> I can add those to my script. However, I wonder: the traditional
> debian user is backup:backup. Should we not be using that?

Tradition in this case has been missing for over 5 years of time.  Two
years of inactivity.  The disk group is a pretty good one too, and the
3.3.9 distro of Amanda is a different beast than 3.5.1.  I could look
into seeing if we could grandfather the older build process... but
that's as easy as anyone else here can do it.

It just takes looking up the current debian source package and looking
at its scripts and the difference from what we have.

> Also, I noticed some messages about g_thread_* functions being
> deprecated. I have already handled those for another application. If
> you haven't already done so, shall I take a stab at it?
It would be helpful.  Several areas haven't been touched in awhile.  All
C stuff (glib2.0) has languished a bit.
> And with that, it looks like I'm there.

> I have a tarball, and four .deb packages. No amanda common package?
There really isn't much to put in amanda-common that I know of (i.e. a
core for multiple choices).  It's either be a full server+client or just
a client.
> With that, my setup script now looks like:
> --------------------------------------------------
> # A script to build out a minimal installation of debian such that we
> # can build amanda on it. Much of this is installing tools.
> # We install no editors.
> # This should get you through ./autogen.
> apt install git autogen automake libglib2.0-dev
> # And this for ./configure && make.
> apt install make dpkg-dev debhelper dump flex gettext gnuplot libtool 
> bsd-mailx mtx smbclient libcurl4-openssl-dev libncurses5-dev libreadline-dev 
> libssl-dev bison swig docbook-xsl xsltproc
> # Add the user that the build process expects. Oddly enough, it isn't
> # backup:backup, the user that the debian package builds. I'm going to
> # make this a regular user for now....
> # To remove, "deluser --remove-home amandabackup".
> adduser --disabled-password amandabackup
> adduser amandabackup disk
> if [ ! -d /home/amandabackup/.ssh ] ; then
>     echo Copying .ssh for user amandabackup
>     cp -rp /root/.ssh /home/amandabackup
>     chown -R amandabackup:amandabackup /home/amandabackup/.ssh
> fi
> --------------------------------------------------
> And I'm not sure I need the .ssh in there. Does amanda ever use that
> user?
I don't think amanda uses ssh as a backup device.  It's probably fine

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