We've been working on some hyoooge slowness from certain NDMP restores
and several other concerns (like Solaris).   It's been disappointing,
but a fix is likely to make it into this project.  

I'm sorry and apologize for dropping-off-the-map.  I actually have a
very-good-build working for what we need in-house but we need more moved
into the Github.  I'm becoming the C-and-Jenkins-and-build guy and we've
only one other working remotely also working on these issues.

In addition, we're planning to compare the two-track path that went from
tag-3.5.x --> 3_5 and the different path that went from tag-3.5.x -->
trunk/master.  Some of those are overlapping and some of those are not. 
We're worried more of the new development was put under the 3_5 branch
and hasn't been fully moved to the master.

Some news at least:

    1) installcheck does work and is a pretty impressive self-test, but
requires an *onerous* list of Perl modules.  

    [we should have a script that gathers them from CPAN and the like or
bundles them in].

    2) Solaris 10 as a client seems to build fine but one problem is
still showing up.

    3) Everything from Debian 8 and on and Centos 5 and on and Fedora
back a ways all seem to build okay.

    [Excepting only that Centos 6 doesn't support/have autoconf 2.64 and

I'll get back later and attempt to get some into the branches soon,
especially anything that's already used in Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora builds.

On 5/22/19 11:47 AM, Nathan Stratton Treadway wrote:
> On Sun, May 12, 2019 at 03:27:54 +0000, Chris Hassell wrote:
>> Try the branch "3_5".  That has build fixes that should let it work more
>> easily.
> Chris, 
> As far as I noticed you haven't actually mentioned anything on the list
> about working on a 3.5.2 release, but hopefully your build fixes are
> part of work in that direction....
> Assuming so, I wanted to bring to your attention a handful of patches
> which are currently included of the official Debian Amanda packages but
> which are not at all Debian specific and should be included upstream.
> You can find the full set of patches in the source repo on Salsa, i.e.
> in your web broswer at:
>   https://salsa.debian.org/debian/amanda/tree/master/debian/patches
> Many of the patches are Debian-specific and can be ignored here.
> Of the rest, a few have already made it into the Zmanda repo after 3.5.1,
> but I'll mention them here so you can double check that they are indeed
> included in 3.5.2 when you go to release that:
> 20-fix-robot.pm      commit 2cd18346
> 24-for-jose-server   commit b0478450
> 26-driver-fix-crash  commit e29b4e86
> The rest don't appear to be committed:
> 28-protocol_check
>   this one doesn't have a source/author listed, but it's dated a couple
>   weeks after the commit for the 24-for-jose-server change and touches
>   the same file, so I am guessing it might have come out of the same
>   (off-list) conversation with Jean-Louis....
> 30-lexical
>   this patch was written by Jean-Louis in response to an amanda-hackers
>   thread, but doesn't seem to have made it into the repo.  (It has been
>   working well for me since he wrote it.)
>     https://marc.info/?l=amanda-hackers&m=152086658119204&w=2
>     Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 14:49:02 +0000                                     
>     Subject: Re: lexical.pm last_use_label ignores "storage" field on 
> tapelist                                       
> 32-fix-small-DLE
>   I wrote this patch too late for Jean-Louis to review it, but it
>   successfully resolved the related bug for myself and at least for
>   Gene, I believe... (Anyway, hopefully the attached write-up makes it
>   fairly easy for some new Amanda developer to give it a review.)
>     https://www.mail-archive.com/amanda-users@amanda.org/msg50105.html
>     Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2018 18:00:41 -0500                                      
>     Subject: Re: Amanda "info on small DLEs not saved" bug -- proposed patch  
> Thanks.    
>                                                       Nathan
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
> Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
>  GPG Key: http://www.ontko.com/~nathanst/gpg_key.txt   ID: 1023D/ECFB6239
>  Key fingerprint = 6AD8 485E 20B9 5C71 231C  0C32 15F3 ADCD ECFB 6239

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