On Wednesday 15 May 2019 02:57:18 am Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:

> >> CI pipeline? CI is a new acronym to me, Stefan.
> Continuous Integration
> for example automated test builds to keep the code in a state that
> actually compiles.

Very good idea, nip a bad commit and report on the failure in hours.

> GitHub provides Travis CI to run tests etc everytime a commit is
> pushed to the repo.
> I already have a (rather big) docker image here that compiles the
> amanda-code. No need to have Debian and gcc on my host-system, all
> that is capsuled in the docker container spawned for the tests.
I haven't looked at docker, but I have installed some of those tools, 
like the buildbot and buildd, thinking of setting it up on the pi 
running one of my machines to make linuxcnc from sources, but installing 
them is as far as I've gotten, too many other projects and caregiving 
keep interrupting me. 2 potentialy helpfull projects  come to mind, with 
amanda being the other. Doing linuxcnc right on the pi would allow my 
install to stay current with Master on the pi, which has been frozen at 
last Septembers level since John K. got tired of fighting with with the 
odroid he was building the armhf version with, it was crashing several 
times a week. I have my pi fan cooled, and its uptimes are from power 
bump to power bump. And it may as well be doing something as its actual 
use is best described as quite intermittent.  I had to make an armstrong 
bolt about 3 weeks back was its last job.

> Nice paradigm shift once you learned the basics.

I'd like to think I'm up to it.

> btw I give a talk about GitLab CI/CD this saturday. The problem for
> most of you is that this will happen in austria ;-)

Can you put it someplace afterwards where we could read it?

/dev/sdb2       79086196    53272  74972460   1% /media/work

What I'd like to do is put the buildbot's (or buildd) workspace on a 60GB 
SSD plugged into the pi, like /media/work above. I don't want it to ever 
touch the u-sd card with a write.

Copyright 2019 by Maurice E. Heskett
Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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