
> > I see - you are expecting an Authentication-Results header field
> > to be added even if a signature is just being added in the same
> > mail transaction.
> > So far it doesn't work this way, the Authentication-Results is added
> > based on existing (if any) signatures in a message. On its way out
> > a signature is added if appropriate, but this does not add its
> > own Authentication-Results. Is this what is happening?
> exactly. This would help me to determine the validity of e-mails from
> user1@mydomain to me@mydomain. Sure, there are other means available,
> like S/MIME or PGP, but I thought that the header would be added all
> of the time, so it's an easy verification for me if the mail is valid.

> Ah, okay, I guess this explains quite a few things. Exactly, on
> e-mails to external recipients, DKIM signature is added, but no
> Authentication-Result headers. For local mails, only DKIM is added,
> but no Authentication-Results at all. For mailing lists, however,
> sometimes Authentication-Results headers are added. I guess this has
> to do with the mail flow and the question if a DKIM signature has been
> added in the same transaction, or if it came already with the external
> e-mail.


> Am I right that a Authentication-Resultsare only added when the
> signature has not been added in the same transaction, and only for
> signatures that have no Authentication-Results headers already? Or
> does the latter one not matter?

The later does not matter.

Think of it as a two-stage process:

- a mail is received, existing DKIM signatures are verified, and
  the Authentication-Results is added if a recipient address is local;
  if there were any pre-existing Authentication-Results header fields
  in a message claiming to be from your domain, they are deleted

- on its way out, a signature is added to a message if appropriate;
  this step has no influence on the previous stage

> > I'm not sure if there is any value in adding Authentication-Results
> > for a signature that is just being added.
> It would help in validating the e-mail easier, but this of course can
> be achieved by different means. It was just not clear to me that this
> is the supposed behaviour. However, I guess this explains a few of the
> "issues" I might be experiencing, so I will re-check of the problems
> are still existing under these preconditions. :-)

I guess I should be re-reading carefully the RFC 5451 and see if it has
anything to say on the matter. Asking on the [ietf-dkim] mailing list
may be appropriate too.


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