Dear All

I recently purchased a fine S8 Eumig projector on eBay from Vienna. It was sold with 'assorted movies'. These movies came wrapped in a yellow nylon V-neck jumper (c.1985 is my guess) and along with some Chaplin shorts (which I'm happy to own) were 13 Super 8mm porn movies from the 1970's and 1980's with titles like 'Helena', 'Big Orgy' and 'Room Service'. Judging from the covers they are fairly explicit, and the hairstyles are awful.

Anyway, I could easily fling them in the wheelie bin outside along with the chicken bones and damp newspaper (recycling has yet to dawn on our parts). But I know that there are artists who work in reapproporiating material like this. I'm happy to forward these to such an artist if they pay the postage - I reckon it'd come to something like £7.

Any takers? Does a landfill really deserve a film like 'Perverse Traume'?


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