You still avoid my question: what’s the theoretical backend you that you think check once instead of twice or even more is good**before** hw_job_reset() ?
Because stopping all the scheduler threads takes a moment and it is entirely possible that the job finishes within that time.

1) if you check the fence and found it not signaled, then you will call hw_job_reset(), but there is still chance that between your check and the hw_job_reset() the

Sched fence could signaled , isn’t it ? you still cannot avoid such race condition

Crap, you're right. We would indeed need to check twice and that wouldn't be consistent anyway.

Once after stopping the schedulers and before hw_job_reset() because then we can just start the schedulers again and continue as if nothing has happened.

And another time after calling hw_job_reset() if we want to set the error code.

Don’t forget your approach still have chance to hit the race condition, and to me I don’t think the race condition matters that’s why I don’t even consider it

Yeah, you convinced me. Please go ahead with the current approach, but at least add a comment that we might want to improve that.


Am 10.05.2017 um 13:02 schrieb Liu, Monk:

> Checking a second time is pointless since it can't signal any more after calling amd_sched_hw_job_reset().

[ML] you seems not response to me … I of cause know fence cannot signal after hw_job_reset() ….

My question is , before you call hw_job_reset(), why you want to check the fence ? why not check twice ?

You still avoid my question: what’s the theoretical backend you that you think check once instead of twice or even more is good**before** hw_job_reset() ?

>No, the timeout is pretty meaningless. It's just the trigger that we need to do something.

2) And even it signaled after entering gpu_reset(), it will automatically done like normal cases, that’s good. Why remove those callback instead ?

> No, that's absolutely not good. We don't know if it's the hardware which results in the job being signaled or our reset code.

[ML] you are wrong, for SR-IOV case, the timeout is all that matters, because one VF can only have such time slice within timeout, and I’m doing the TDR on SR-IOV so don’t

Always looks things with bare-metal mind

>Otherwise we have a race condition here where we can't determine if the reset finished the job or if it did just on it's own while we stopped the scheduler.

[ML] you are wrong :
1) if you check the fence and found it not signaled, then you will call hw_job_reset(), but there is still chance that between your check and the hw_job_reset() the

Sched fence could signaled , isn’t it ? you still cannot avoid such race condition

2) I don’t care if the fence is signaled due to its own finish or because we force the hw fence signaled, for SR-IOV case, as long as the job exceeds timeout, we consider

It hang.

3) Even for bare-metal case, you still cannot sure if the fence is signaled due to its own or hw_fence force signal, reason is in #1)

>No, you are insist on a vague rules not strict, like I said, what is the theoretic to backend your approach that only check once on the in question job ? why not check again if not signaled ?

>Because we have removed the connection between the job and the hardware fence and because of this the job can never signal.

[ML] like I said, before you call hw_job_reset(), you only check on the job once, why not check again and again ? I don’t see you have a reason to only check once, and

If you don’t have such reason I think you should not check at all.

If you have such reason, prove me that only check once is good and enough.

Don’t forget your approach still have chance to hit the race condition, and to me I don’t think the race condition matters that’s why I don’t even consider it

BR Monk

*From:*amd-gfx [] *On Behalf Of *Christian König
*Sent:* Wednesday, May 10, 2017 6:26 PM
*To:* Liu, Monk <>; Koenig, Christian <>;
*Subject:* Re: [PATCH 4/4] drm/amdgpu/SRIOV:implement guilty job TDR (V2)

Am 10.05.2017 um 12:05 schrieb Liu, Monk:

    [ML] yes, but we cannot guarantee the job is 100% really hang when
    entering gpu_reset(), we can only trust our amdgpu_job_timeout as
    a deadline for each job.

    You approach that check the fence first before charge it as
    guilty/hang is incorrect looks to me because why you not check it
    twice, triple, and even more loops ?

    Because the job can't signal any more after calling

    [ML] No … that’s where I think your approach is vague:

    1) see that you check after scheduler stopped, see if job
    signaled, my question is if the job is not signaled (like most
    usual case)

    Why you not check it again and again ?  maybe the second time you
    will find it signaled …

Checking a second time is pointless since it can't signal any more after calling amd_sched_hw_job_reset().

    My point is the checking here is meaningless, we already have
    timedout for the guard.

No, the timeout is pretty meaningless. It's just the trigger that we need to do something.

But to determine what to do we first need to stop the scheduler, remove the hardware fence and THEN check the current status.

Otherwise we have a race condition here where we can't determine if the reset finished the job or if it did just on it's own while we stopped the scheduler.

    2) And even it signaled after entering gpu_reset(), it will
    automatically done like normal cases, that’s good. Why remove
    those callback instead ?

No, that's absolutely not good. We don't know if it's the hardware which results in the job being signaled or our reset code.

        So I refuse to check if @job is just signaled in gpu_reset,
        because this action is vague (and no one can guarantee the job
        won’t signal during gpu_reset, we should not argue on this
        event …), I prefer clean and restrict rules.

    Yeah, completely agree that we need to have struct rules for that.
    That's why I insists on doing this :)

    No, you are insist on a vague rules not strict, like I said, what
    is the theoretic to backend your approach that only check once on
    the in question job ? why not check again if not signaled ?

Because we have removed the connection between the job and the hardware fence and because of this the job can never signal.


    I don’t agree this approach is clean and strict. You are abuse
    timedout parameter.

    See I just want to avoid problems for the case that the job
    signaled while we stop the scheduler (because stopping the
    scheduler actually can take a moment).

    Because when this happened the scheduler could already have pushed
    the next job to the hardware and then we abort it with the GPU
    reset and might create more problems than we solve.

        [ML] I don’t see my approach will have chance to fence twice…
        on the contrast I think my approach is more clear: no matter
        the in question job finally signaled or not, I just kick it
        out from mirror-list

        Without remove the callback from hw fence, that way even it
        really signaled during the gpu_reset() period the logic is
        still perfect and its sched fence will act like usual …

    We want to set an error code on the job before signaling it don't
    we? So we need to be sure how and when the job is signaled as

    I mean letting it signal when we force the hardware fence to
    complete will work as well, but I still think that this isn't as
    clean as signaling it manually.

    Please also see the helper function the Intel guys introduced
    drm_fence_set_error(), we will run into a BUG_ON if we can't
    guarantee the order of execution here.


    Am 10.05.2017 um 06:00 schrieb Liu, Monk:


        Looks like we need more discuss with it…

        Here is your approach:

        1. Stop the scheduler from feeding more jobs to the hardware
        when a jobs completes.  //this is where I agree with you

        2. Then call hw_job_reset to remove the connection between job
        and hardware fence.

        3. Test if job is now completed. It is entirely possible that
        the job completed while we started the work to reset the hardware.

        Removing the connection between the hardware fence and the job
        is the deadline, if the job completes after that it is lost.

        4. Check the karma and kick out the job if we found it guilty.

        5. Get the whole stuff working again, e.g. reset the hardware,
        restart the scheduler etc...

        */[ML]: One thing I agree to change with your way: in
        gpu_reset() we should first stop the in question ring’s
        scheduler (not the all) before kick out the guilty job./*

        > Indeed, but I still think that this is a bad approach cause
        we then reset the hardware without a good reason.

        [ML] yes, but we cannot guarantee the job is 100% really hang
        when entering gpu_reset(), we can only trust our
        amdgpu_job_timeout as a deadline for each job.

        You approach that check the fence first before charge it as
        guilty/hang is incorrect looks to me because why you not check
        it twice, triple, and even more loops ?

        You check it one time and you found it just signaled that’s
        great and lucky(really lucky…), But what if it didn’t signaled
        (like most usual case) , why not check it again and again ? do
        you have a theoretic to support on how much time you need to
        check before finally consider it hang ? No I don’t think you
        have so please just cut this unnecessary checking, we already
        use amdgpu_job_timeout to give the deadline of each job.

        So I refuse to check if @job is just signaled in gpu_reset,
        because this action is vague (and no one can guarantee the job
        won’t signal during gpu_reset, we should not argue on this
        event …), I prefer clean and restrict rules.

        >Force completion is not so much of the issue, but rather in
        which order you do things.

        >See the original code first stops the scheduler and removes
        the connection between hardware fence and job in an atomic
        manner. And THEN forces the hardware fence to complete.

        >This way we could be sure that nothing happened in parallel,
        e.g. that we don't try to signal the fence twice or something
        like that.

        [ML] I don’t see my approach will have chance to fence twice…
        on the contrast I think my approach is more clear: no matter
        the in question job finally signaled or not, I just kick it
        out from mirror-list

        Without remove the callback from hw fence, that way even it
        really signaled during the gpu_reset() period the logic is
        still perfect and its sched fence will act like usual …

        Please point out where or how my approach will go wrong like
        “e.g. that we don't try to signal the fence twice or something
        like that.”, otherwise I cannot be persuaded and fix my way …

        At last. I run the TDR test and it ends up with Hypervisor
        side error, the guest side is all perfect, here is what I ran:

        The vk_example and vulkan CTS test under MCBP case, we have
        all kinds of hang on compute ring, without TDR this test won’t
        suffer for 5 seconds, and with TDR although MCBP is buggy now
        but we can

        Finish this test (of cause test result is mismatch due to MCBP
        issue), and there are tongs of job_timed_out in dmesg, but
        guest driver didn’t have any error report.  I was also
        surprised this behave really stable …

        The second test the using “watch” to trigger a gpu hang (bad
        command stream) every 2 seconds, with amdgpu_job_timeout also
        set to 2seconds, I can run it till hypervisor side hit VF FLR
        error, and guest side

        Still runs perfectly and nothing wrong happened, with hw fence
        seq number I can tell there are 3000 loops of TDR finished
        before Hypervisor hit error.

        BR Monk

        *From:*Koenig, Christian
        *Sent:* Tuesday, May 09, 2017 8:52 PM
        *To:* Liu, Monk <> <>;
        Christian König <>
        *Subject:* Re: [PATCH 4/4] drm/amdgpu/SRIOV:implement guilty
        job TDR (V2)

            [ML] if the job complete, the job’s sched fence callback
            will take this spin_lock and remove itself from
            mirror_list, so we are still safe to call
            amd_sched_job_kickout(), and it will do nothing if so

        Indeed, but I still think that this is a bad approach cause we
        then reset the hardware without a good reason.

            Besides, original logic also force complete the hw fence,
            and it works well …

        Force completion is not so much of the issue, but rather in
        which order you do things.

        See the original code first stops the scheduler and removes
        the connection between hardware fence and job in an atomic
        manner. And THEN forces the hardware fence to complete.

        This way we could be sure that nothing happened in parallel,
        e.g. that we don't try to signal the fence twice or something
        like that.

            State like “You are missing that it is entirely possible
            that the job will complete while we are trying to kick it

        Sorry I should have been more clear.

            Is not a good reason to reject my approach, because that
            is okay if the job just completed …

        We usually try to take a defensive approach, so stopping
        everything, removing the hardware fence connection and then
        explicitly kicking out the job in question sounds much better
        than doing it implicitly with the hardware fence completion.

        Even when this works (which I'm still not sure of) that is a
        really awkward and hard to understand approach.


        Am 09.05.2017 um 13:58 schrieb Liu, Monk:

            You are missing that it is entirely possible that the job
            will complete while we are trying to kick it out.

            [ML] if the job complete, the job’s sched fence callback
            will take this spin_lock and remove itself from
            mirror_list, so we are still safe to call
            amd_sched_job_kickout(), and it will do nothing if so

            Please go through the whole steps again,

            Besides, original logic also force complete the hw fence,
            and it works well …

            I don’t see the solid reason why you insist on your
            approach, please go through the steps again  and give me
            the details about where is incorrect than I can fix it

            State like “You are missing that it is entirely possible
            that the job will complete while we are trying to kick it
            out.” Is not a good reason to reject my approach, because
            that is okay if the job just completed …

            BR Monk

            *From:*Koenig, Christian
            *Sent:* Tuesday, May 09, 2017 3:49 PM
            *To:* Liu, Monk <>
            <>; Christian König
            *Subject:* Re: [PATCH 4/4] drm/amdgpu/SRIOV:implement
            guilty job TDR (V2)

                [ML] Really not necessary, we have spin_lock to
                protect the mirror-list, nothing will be messed up ...

            You are missing that it is entirely possible that the job
            will complete while we are trying to kick it out.

                [ML] why don't touch hardware fence at all ?  the
                original/bare-metal gpu reset also signal all ring's
                hardware fence first, I just follow the original logic ...
                Scheduler fence will be auto signaled after hw fence
                signaled, any problem with that ? what's the concern ?

            The hardware runs async to the CPU which tries to reset
            it, so we need to be careful in which order things are done.

                [ML] No I don't think so, the kickout must be prior to
                the hw_job_reset, otherwise the scheduler fence
                callback will be removed and you need manually install
                it later , which is not correct:
                For the guity job, we just kick it out before job
                reset, in job_reset we only reset other innocent jobs(
                and unbind the scheduler fence callback for them),
                after hw fence
                Forcely set to drv_seq, all hw fence are signaled
                (this is the way of original logic, I didn't change
                that).  When go to sched_recovery(), it will recover
                all innocent job and hook
                The scheduler fence with new hw fence.  That way only
                the guilty job is dropped forever.

            Again same problem here.

            To be absolutely sure that everything works as expected we
            need to do it in the following order:

            1. Stop the scheduler from feeding more jobs to the
            hardware when a jobs completes.

            2. Then call hw_job_reset to remove the connection between
            job and hardware fence.

            3. Test if job is now completed. It is entirely possible
            that the job completed while we started the work to reset
            the hardware.

            Removing the connection between the hardware fence and the
            job is the deadline, if the job completes after that it is

            4. Check the karma and kick out the job if we found it guilty.

            5. Get the whole stuff working again, e.g. reset the
            hardware, restart the scheduler etc...


            Am 09.05.2017 um 04:45 schrieb Liu, Monk:

                > -     /* block scheduler */
                > -     for (i = 0; i < AMDGPU_MAX_RINGS; ++i) {
                > -             ring = adev->rings[i];
                > +     /* we start from the ring trigger GPU hang */
                > +     j = job ? job->ring->idx : 0;
                > +
                > +     if (job)
                > +             if
                > + amd_sched_job_kickout(&job->base);

                Well that looks like the wrong order to me. We should
                probably stop the scheduler before trying to mess
                anything with the job.

                [ML] Really not necessary, we have spin_lock to
                protect the mirror-list, nothing will be messed up ...

                > +void
                > +*ring) {
                > +     if (ring)
                > +             amdgpu_fence_write(ring,
                ring->fence_drv.sync_seq); }
                > +

                The coding style is completely off.

                [ML] I don't know why at email side it looks wrong
                coding style, but I'm sure it is correct at my side,
                check here:
                void amdgpu_fence_driver_force_completion_ring(struct
                amdgpu_ring *ring)
                        if (ring)

                Additional to that I don't think that this is a good
                idea. We should probably rather just signal all
                scheduler fences instead and don't touch the hardware
                fence at all.

                [ML] why don't touch hardware fence at all ?  the
                original/bare-metal gpu reset also signal all ring's
                hardware fence first, I just follow the original logic ...
                Scheduler fence will be auto signaled after hw fence
                signaled, any problem with that ? what's the concern ?

                > -     for (i = 0; i < AMDGPU_MAX_RINGS; ++i) {
                > -             struct amdgpu_ring *ring = adev->rings[i];
                > +     for (i = j; i < j + AMDGPU_MAX_RINGS; ++i) {
                > +             ring = adev->rings[i % AMDGPU_MAX_RINGS];
                >                if (!ring || !ring->sched.thread)
                >                        continue;
                > +             if (job && j != i) {
                > + kthread_unpark(ring->sched.thread);
                > +                     continue;
                > +             }
                > +

                Please split up that patch a bit further. E.g. first
                the handling to only hw_job_reset the ring in
                question, then the kickout handling.

                [ML] No I don't think so, the kickout must be prior to
                the hw_job_reset, otherwise the scheduler fence
                callback will be removed and you need manually install
                it later , which is not correct:
                For the guity job, we just kick it out before job
                reset, in job_reset we only reset other innocent jobs(
                and unbind the scheduler fence callback for them),
                after hw fence
                Forcely set to drv_seq, all hw fence are signaled
                (this is the way of original logic, I didn't change
                that).  When go to sched_recovery(), it will recover
                all innocent job and hook
                The scheduler fence with new hw fence.  That way only
                the guilty job is dropped forever.

                -----Original Message-----
                From: Christian König []
                Sent: Monday, May 08, 2017 9:12 PM
                To: Liu, Monk <>
                Cc: Koenig, Christian <>
                Subject: Re: [PATCH 4/4] drm/amdgpu/SRIOV:implement
                guilty job TDR (V2)

                Am 08.05.2017 um 09:01 schrieb Liu, Monk:
                > @Christian
                > This one is changed to guilty job scheme accordingly
                with your
                > response
                > BR Monk
                > -----Original Message-----
                > From: Monk Liu []
                > Sent: Monday, May 08, 2017 3:00 PM
                > To:
                > Cc: Liu, Monk <>
                > Subject: [PATCH] drm/amdgpu/SRIOV:implement guilty
                job TDR (V2)
                > 1,TDR will kickout guilty job if it hang exceed the
                threshold of the given one from kernel paramter
                "job_hang_limit", that way a bad command stream will
                not infinitly cause GPU hang.
                > by default this threshold is 1 so a job will be
                kicked out after it hang.
                > 2,if a job timeout TDR routine will not reset all
                sched/ring, instead if will only reset on the givn one
                which is indicated by @job of amdgpu_sriov_gpu_reset,
                that way we don't need to reset and recover each
                sched/ring if we already know which job cause GPU hang.
                > 3,unblock sriov_gpu_reset for AI family.
                > 4,don't init entity for KIQ
                > TODO:
                > when a job is considered as guilty, we should mark
                some flag in its fence status flag, and let UMD side
                aware that this fence signaling is not due to job
                complete but job hang.
                > Change-Id: I7b89c19a3de93249db570d0a80522176b1525a09
                > Signed-off-by: Monk Liu <>
                > ---
                > drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu.h           |  1 +
                > drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ctx.c       |  4 +++
                > drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_device.c    | 36
                > drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_drv.c       |  4 +++
                > drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_fence.c     |  6 +++++
                > drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ring.h      |  1 +
                > drivers/gpu/drm/amd/scheduler/gpu_scheduler.c | 11
                +++++++- drivers/gpu/drm/amd/scheduler/gpu_scheduler.h
                |  7 ++++++
                >   8 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
                > diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu.h
                > b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu.h
                > index 90a69bf..93bcea2 100644
                > --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu.h
                > +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu.h
                > @@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ extern int
                amdgpu_prim_buf_per_se;  extern int
                > amdgpu_pos_buf_per_se;  extern int
                amdgpu_cntl_sb_buf_per_se;  extern
                > int amdgpu_param_buf_per_se;
                > +extern int amdgpu_job_hang_limit;
                >   #define AMDGPU_DEFAULT_GTT_SIZE_MB 3072ULL /* 3GB
                by default */
                >   #define
                AMDGPU_WAIT_IDLE_TIMEOUT_IN_MS              3000
                > diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ctx.c
                > b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ctx.c
                > index b4bbbb3..23afc58 100644
                > --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ctx.c
                > +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ctx.c
                > @@ -52,6 +52,10 @@ static int amdgpu_ctx_init(struct
                amdgpu_device *adev, struct amdgpu_ctx *ctx)
                >                struct amd_sched_rq *rq;
                >                rq =
                > +
                > +             if (ring == &adev->gfx.kiq.ring)
                > +                     continue;
                > +

                That looks like a bug fix and should probably go into
                a separate patch.

                >                r =
                amd_sched_entity_init(&ring->sched, &ctx->rings[i].entity,
                >                                          rq,
                >                if (r)
                > diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_device.c
                > b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_device.c
                > index 0e5f314..f3990fe 100644
                > --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_device.c
                > +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_device.c
                > @@ -2537,7 +2537,7 @@ static int
                amdgpu_recover_vram_from_shadow(struct amdgpu_device
                >    */
                >   int amdgpu_sriov_gpu_reset(struct amdgpu_device
                *adev, struct amdgpu_job *job)  {
                > -     int i, r = 0;
                > +     int i, j, r = 0;
                >        int resched;
                >        struct amdgpu_bo *bo, *tmp;
                >        struct amdgpu_ring *ring;
                > @@ -2550,19 +2550,30 @@ int
                amdgpu_sriov_gpu_reset(struct amdgpu_device *adev,
                struct amdgpu_job *job)
                >        /* block TTM */
                >        resched =
                > -     /* block scheduler */
                > -     for (i = 0; i < AMDGPU_MAX_RINGS; ++i) {
                > -             ring = adev->rings[i];
                > +     /* we start from the ring trigger GPU hang */
                > +     j = job ? job->ring->idx : 0;
                > +
                > +     if (job)
                > +             if
                > + amd_sched_job_kickout(&job->base);

                Well that looks like the wrong order to me. We should
                probably stop the scheduler before trying to mess
                anything with the job.

                > +     /* block scheduler */
                > +     for (i = j; i < j + AMDGPU_MAX_RINGS; ++i) {
                > +             ring = adev->rings[i % AMDGPU_MAX_RINGS];
                >                if (!ring || !ring->sched.thread)
                >                        continue;
                > kthread_park(ring->sched.thread);
                > +
                > +             if (job && j != i)
                > +                     continue;
                > +
                > +             /* only do job_reset on the hang ring
                if @job not NULL */
                > amd_sched_hw_job_reset(&ring->sched);
                > -     }
                > -     /* after all hw jobs are reset, hw fence is
                meaningless, so force_completion */
                > - amdgpu_fence_driver_force_completion(adev);
                > +             /* after all hw jobs are reset, hw
                fence is meaningless, so force_completion */
                > + amdgpu_fence_driver_force_completion_ring(ring);
                > +     }
                >        /* request to take full control of GPU before
                re-initialization  */
                >        if (job)
                > @@ -2615,11 +2626,16 @@ int
                amdgpu_sriov_gpu_reset(struct amdgpu_device *adev,
                struct amdgpu_job *job)
                >        }
                >        fence_put(fence);
                > -     for (i = 0; i < AMDGPU_MAX_RINGS; ++i) {
                > -             struct amdgpu_ring *ring = adev->rings[i];
                > +     for (i = j; i < j + AMDGPU_MAX_RINGS; ++i) {
                > +             ring = adev->rings[i % AMDGPU_MAX_RINGS];
                >                if (!ring || !ring->sched.thread)
                >                        continue;
                > +             if (job && j != i) {
                > + kthread_unpark(ring->sched.thread);
                > +                     continue;
                > +             }
                > +

                Please split up that patch a bit further. E.g. first
                the handling to only hw_job_reset the ring in
                question, then the kickout handling.

                > amd_sched_job_recovery(&ring->sched);
                > kthread_unpark(ring->sched.thread);
                >        }
                > @@ -2629,6 +2645,8 @@ int
                amdgpu_sriov_gpu_reset(struct amdgpu_device *adev,
                struct amdgpu_job *job)
                >        if (r) {
                >                /* bad news, how to tell it to
                userspace ? */
                >                dev_info(adev->dev, "GPU reset
                > +     } else {
                > +             dev_info(adev->dev, "GPU reset
                >        }
                >        adev->gfx.in_reset = false;
                > diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_drv.c
                > b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_drv.c
                > index 416908a..fd3691a8 100644
                > --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_drv.c
                > +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_drv.c
> @@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ int amdgpu_prim_buf_per_se = 0; int
                > amdgpu_pos_buf_per_se = 0;  int
                amdgpu_cntl_sb_buf_per_se = 0;  int
                > amdgpu_param_buf_per_se = 0;
                > +int amdgpu_job_hang_limit = 0;
                >   MODULE_PARM_DESC(vramlimit, "Restrict VRAM for
                testing, in
                > megabytes");  module_param_named(vramlimit,
                amdgpu_vram_limit, int,
                > 0600); @@ -237,6 +238,9 @@
                > amdgpu_cntl_sb_buf_per_se, int, 0444);
                > MODULE_PARM_DESC(param_buf_per_se, "the size of
                Off-Chip Pramater
                > Cache per Shader Engine (default depending on gfx)");
                > module_param_named(param_buf_per_se,
                amdgpu_param_buf_per_se, int,
                > 0444);
                > +MODULE_PARM_DESC(job_hang_limit, "how much time
                allow a job hang and
                > +not drop it (default 0)");
                > +amdgpu_job_hang_limit, int ,0444);
                > +
> static const struct pci_device_id pciidlist[] = { #ifdef
                > CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU_SI diff --git
                > a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_fence.c
                > b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_fence.c
                > index d7523d1..8de3bd3 100644
                > --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_fence.c
                > +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_fence.c
                > @@ -541,6 +541,12 @@ void
                amdgpu_device *adev)
                >        }
                >   }
                > +void
                > +*ring) {
                > +     if (ring)
                > +             amdgpu_fence_write(ring,
                ring->fence_drv.sync_seq); }
                > +

                The coding style is completely off.

                Additional to that I don't think that this is a good
                idea. We should probably rather just signal all
                scheduler fences instead and don't touch the hardware
                fence at all.

                >   /*
                >    * Common fence implementation
                >    */
                > diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ring.h
                > b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ring.h
                > index 981ef08..03e88c6 100644
                > --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ring.h
                > +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ring.h
                > @@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ struct amdgpu_fence_driver {  int
                > amdgpu_fence_driver_init(struct amdgpu_device
                *adev);  void
                > amdgpu_fence_driver_fini(struct amdgpu_device
                *adev);  void
                > amdgpu_fence_driver_force_completion(struct
                amdgpu_device *adev);
                > +void
                > +*ring);
                >   int amdgpu_fence_driver_init_ring(struct
                amdgpu_ring *ring,
                >                                  unsigned
                > diff --git
                > b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/scheduler/gpu_scheduler.c
                > index 6f4e31f..4e97e6d 100644
                > --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/scheduler/gpu_scheduler.c
                > +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/scheduler/gpu_scheduler.c
                > @@ -390,9 +390,18 @@ void
                amd_sched_hw_job_reset(struct amd_gpu_scheduler *sched)
                > &s_job->s_fence->cb)) {
                > fence_put(s_job->s_fence->parent);
                > s_job->s_fence->parent = NULL;
                > + atomic_dec(&sched->hw_rq_count);
                >                }
                >        }
                > -     atomic_set(&sched->hw_rq_count, 0);
                > + spin_unlock(&sched->job_list_lock);
                > +}
                > +
                > +void amd_sched_job_kickout(struct amd_sched_job
                *s_job) {
                > +     struct amd_gpu_scheduler *sched = s_job->sched;
                > +
                > + spin_lock(&sched->job_list_lock);
                > +     list_del_init(&s_job->node);
                > spin_unlock(&sched->job_list_lock);
                >   }
                > diff --git
                > b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/scheduler/gpu_scheduler.h
                > index 8cb41d3..59694f3 100644
                > --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/scheduler/gpu_scheduler.h
                > +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/scheduler/gpu_scheduler.h
                > @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ struct amd_sched_job {
                >        struct list_head                node;
                >        struct delayed_work work_tdr;
                >        uint64_t                        id;
                > +     atomic_t karma;
                >   };
                >   extern const struct fence_ops
                amd_sched_fence_ops_scheduled; @@ -96,6 +97,11 @@
                static inline struct amd_sched_fence
                *to_amd_sched_fence(struct fence *f)
                >        return NULL;
                >   }
                > +static inline bool amd_sched_invalidate_job(struct
                > +*s_job, int threshold) {
                > +     return (s_job &&
                atomic_inc_return(&s_job->karma) > threshold); }
                > +

                Again coding style is completely off.


                >   /**
                >    * Define the backend operations called by the
                >    * these functions should be implemented in driver
                side @@ -158,4 +164,5 @@ int amd_sched_job_init(struct
                amd_sched_job *job,
                >                       void *owner);
                >   void amd_sched_hw_job_reset(struct
                amd_gpu_scheduler *sched);  void
                > amd_sched_job_recovery(struct amd_gpu_scheduler *sched);
                > +void amd_sched_job_kickout(struct amd_sched_job
                >   #endif
                > --
                > 2.7.4
                > _______________________________________________
                > amd-gfx mailing list


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