On Sat, 2005-08-06 at 23:10 +0000, wurzel wrote:
> Hi guys (if anyone is still here),
> I'm running AmIRC with Teabot, to keep a channel open & Teabot as Op.
> I have a cable connection so I can keep it open all the time. However,
> I keep getting disconnected from the Server so the channel disapears.
> Is there a way to have an automatic PING or rejoin command set up, so
> the server isn't disconnected or will rejoin & set up the channel
> automatcially?
There are ping checks embedded in the irc protocol.
I dunno how teabot works or so but the whole point of a bot is to have
it on the channel and keep the channel there, thats why most ppl run a
bot. Most ppl however seem to be running Eggdrops or so...

Ian Kumlien <pomac () vapor ! com> -- http://pomac.netswarm.net

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