Hello, on Fri, 26 Aug 2005 01:17:14 +0200,
Ian Kumlien wrote something about *"[amirc] Re: Disconnecting server".*

Hello Ian,

Thanks for your reply.

> > Hi,
> > 
> > Thanks for the reply. I downloaded Eggdrop but it looks to complicated
> > to set up, plus it seems to do many things I don't really need.
> hummm, ok.. 
> > I found an Arexx script by Aerial Magnum callec recconect.amirx and
> > installed it. This seems to do what I want!
> > 
> > As I have a braodband connection, I thought I would stay online all
> > the time. However, AmIrc reports server lag and drops the connection
> > many times during the day. Unfortunately, the reconnect.amirx, whilst
> > rying to reconnect as many times as I have configured (25), I cannot
> > get reconnected. I have to close Amirc down and restart, then I get
> > connected first time.
> Most sane ircd's will throttle connection attempts, ie, if you get
> disconnected and reconnect to fast you won't be let back in until you
> have backed of for a while.

Sorry to be so lame, can you tell me what I need to do to back off?
> > Is this due to some setting I've missed?
> I assume that Ariel wrote that for ircnet or so... 

Sorry, I don't know. This is what it says at the top of the script:

/* AmIRC Reconnect by Ariel Magnum Version 1.1

  Introduction :

  AmIRC's internal reconnect is pretty lame in that if the
  modem/stack drops it doesnt work.Could have easily been
  fixed by using a retry value but I guess nobody's perect.
  This script solves this problem.

  Features     :

  · Configurable
  · Joins ALL previously joined channels
  · Perfect if your away from the computer

  Installation :
  1. Copy to the AmIRC rexx directory.
  2. Enter into the Connect Event :
  3. Disable the internal AmIRC Auto Reconnect to server
         from the "User modes" menu.
  4. Set your timeout.This is the time a connect should last.
  5. Set your retries.If your ISP is busy frequently then bump this up

When I'm disconnected, this script runs as many times as necessary to
reconnect. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

Thanks for your help ;)


Russell Butler                   Amiga A1200, 50mhz '060, 196mb RAM
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Member, Team AMIGA  The Amiga lives on!
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    Past President, Jersey Junior Chamber (JCI)

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