great! perfectly what I would have wanted... maybe the name of the page should have been 'grandhcildrenTODO' :p lol, just kidding ;) now we need to keep updating it, moving stuff to the overall todo, moving stuff from that todo to the 'next release todo' everytime we release something (set new goals everytime) and we got ourselves a little bit more of an organization :)
thx Lee

On Wed, 03 May 2006 16:08:16 -0400, Lee Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've moved everything from the old NextReleaseTODO wiki page to the
new OverallTODO wiki page :

You can also find a link to it from the main wiki page.

Please take a few minutes to browse it and mark everything that needs
to be removed with an asterisk as Vivia mentioned, or leave a note so
I know what to move to the future TODO.


On 5/3/06, Vivia Nikolaidou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wed, 3 May 2006, Youness Alaoui wrote:

> On Wed, 03 May 2006 14:07:22 -0400, Lee Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I took a look at the wiki and realized that some areas are quite
> >outdated.  For example: the Next Release TODO, in our case (0.96).
> >
> >
> >
> Hi Lee, thanks for taking the time to look at this. If I remember
> correctly, Vivia already took good care of the TODO, it is up to date in
> the wiki afaik, anything in there are real bugs/feats that we 'might
> want' to implement some day, some of them won't be implemented because
> they are low pri or we have no clue on how to fix them... The wiki page
> is named Next Release TODO, which is wrong, it should instead be an
> Overal TODO list...

I took care of it to just remove DONE things. That is a huge TODO list
though, and I'm not sure we want all this stuff to be done. I just can't
start removing stuff without asking anyone. How about each one of us
adding an asterisk on items that they'd like to be removed? (No cheating,
no adding 5 asterisks :P just discuss the reason why you'd LOVE to see
that item gone in the ML!)

It's also a good idea to move GUI tweaks to winskin!

> >Do we need to keep any of this? If so, we can just add it to the 0.96
> >TODO.  Also, how are we going to deal with the TODO?  I know there's
> >an IRC TODO, the wiki TODO, a TODO file included with aMSN.
> >The IRC TODO is a good idea and I see there is a link to it from the
> >wiki, KaKaRoTo, is this TODO-list automatically updated?
> >
> It is indeed problematic since none of us ever had the time/motivation
> to build a 0.96 TODO... we have a lot of TODO items, but we needed to
> select which ones are high pri enough for next release..  now the TODO
> is almost closed, because of the proxy bugs, we need 0.96 out of the
> doors asap, if it weren't for small bugs that still keep popping up,
> vivia was supposed to release 0.96 last week (I annouced that last
> time...)

Me? Release 0.96? No offence, but m9awda allik :P [*] Not only I am no
amsn admin, I am also the newest team member!!

I was supposed to add tls 1.5 available for download, which needs testing
first, and I really should have done that. But... to release 0.96... not
really :P Besides, we can't release until we are 100% sure that these new
webcam features work OK (don't forget we still can't pause when using
reflector, and I dunno how to do these modifications you talked about!)

[*] really, REALLY j/k, i don't mean it :)

> the TODO file included with aMSN is not to be used anymore I think, look
> at the CVS history, I think it's been 2years since the last time that
> file got updated... it's nowhere need up to date.. and I think the
> original TODO page in the wiki was created by copying the content of
> that TODO file, so I don't think we can miss anything from it, but I
> wouldn't mind a double check on that... I think the best way is to
> delete its content and simply paste the link to the wiki in it, in case
> someone reads it, at least he'll get the correct info...

good idea (Y) but then the wiki page also needs a link to the tracker
(Ouch, that's also outdated)

> about the IRC todo, yes, it is updated everyday (at 7:30 PM eastern
> time), I don't want it to be known by users because they might find out > how it works abnd start 'requesting features' through IRC buy using the
> special tags for the script.. which we already had a few times, some
> users find noone on the channel and they reported the bug or feature
> using [TODO]..

lol, hadn't noticed :)

> Also, that TODO list is basically for developers I think, it shouldn't
> be public.. and shouldn't be used as it is, if you look at it, you'll
> see some stuff marked as [DONE] and others marked as [TASKED], that todo > list is there to help the lazy ones to easily add something they have in > mind before the connection timesout in their brain... then all the todo
> items in there are moved to the SF task tracker, some devels were
> assigned some takss, and they are working on it in there and it seems to
> go well this way. I think we should :
> 1 - either move all the TODO list into the task tracker
> 2 - use the TODO list AND the task tracker at the same time...  just
>     like we do now...

I go with 2

> >The TODO file included with aMSN needs to be cleaned and up to date if > >we want to continue to use it, otherwise, we could just include a link
> >to where it can be found on our wiki and remove all the old.
> >
> I agree
> >How does everyone else deal with the TODO? I think having the wiki TODO
> >along with the link to the ircTODO is the best idea, we just need to
> >make sure it's up to date.

Exactly....... I agree 100% :)

> I thnk noone deals with the TODO :P well, Vivia will tell you more I
> guess since she's the one making sure it's up to date, she did a great
> job working on amsn for 0.96 and cleaning up the TODO (by cleaning the
> todo page and by removing the bugs/feats)

Yes but I'd love it if someone could deal with this now as I'm out of
energy. Lee, can you do it? :)



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