thx for the work! 
about the too much white/blank space, I'll post a screenshot if you want, all I 
meant was that we see a blank 
screen with frames in it, and there is no text at all anywhere apart from the 
header with the steps numbering..

ok.. here's the screenshot :
is it normal ? no text because it's still in development ? or a bug in windows ?


On Wed, Feb 14, 2007 at 12:05:30AM +0100, Boris Faure (aka billiob) wrote:
> On 2/13/07, Youness Alaoui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hello,
> >I also just tried it, after the welcome screen, I directly get a
> blank/white screen with a black frame in it (I
> >guess webcam preview ?)
> I don't have a webcam, that's why this part is very buggy. i thought that if
> you don't have a webcam, you won't be able to load the extensions.
> I'll be able to do some tests next week.
> >+ it would need some text when you have no webcam at least :p
> should be fixed
> >then I clicked the 'back' button to go back to the welcome screen...
> instead I just got the SAME window, with
> >the same header, but now it says step 3/3 instead of 2/3, so I can't go
> back...
> the back button issue should be fixed
> but about numbers, it's weird.
> In fact, as soon as you see a step for the first time, the number of all
> steps should grow.
> that's why you may see : 1/1, then 2/2 and then 3/3 ... etc
> >I agree on what vivia said about the volume, but is it
> >just a widnows issue or is it normal that the frame is totally
> blank(white) with no text whatsoever and with
> >those tk frmes showing in it like floating in the air ? because I see not
> text :s
> i don't understand your issue.
> >I also think when choosing output device/mixer, one should be chosen by
> default instead of letting the user
> >figure out which one to choose.
> i've got a todo for that, but combobox doesn't work as i want :s
> >The test play is ok (I didn't have my headphone +at work, so don't know)
> but the waveform is fixed, I don't see
> >it moving or anything, i click on 'play' and the waveform just appears,
> static, like a fixed image.. is it
> >normal ?
> yep, i've got a todo for that
> >record has no record button.
> weird, i've added it with the first commit :(
> >and when I 'finished' I pressed back and got another bug (see below), but
> I couldn't reproduce...
> should be fixed
> >I also don't know if it's normal but the webcam icon in the top-right of
> the assistant welcome screen disappear
> >in the next steps.. maybe it should stay.. what I think would be best is
> to have a webcam and a microphone icon
> >in the welcome screen, then when configuring the webcam, have only webcam
> icon, and when sound output, have a
> >speaker icon, and the sound input, the microphone icon. but those are not
> important..
> that's why i've asked a grphic designer to create those icons :D
> >when no cam is detected, it should say so, and disable the webcam
> clientcap thing... otherwise what we have now
> >+ we should have the 'allow users to see my webcam checkbox' and we have a
> lot of missing text :)
> you're right
> >and btw, I don't know what the HIG says, but should the button be "close"
> or "finish"? i also think the finish
> >should be on the right, no ? don't know, I'm not the HIG man!
> neither me :)
> >bugs :
> should be fixed
> On 2/13/07, Vivia Nikolaidou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >I tried again just now, but it complained about snack not being installed.
> >Question: is a scenario where I don't have snack but I do want webcam
> >valid? In this case, we should inform the user that audio can only be used
> >with snack but still let them configure the webcam.
> it's done this way.
> Didn't you see :  "You won't be able to record yourself, or speak (with
> voice) to friends. You may find answers on how to install that extension on
> our Wiki : " ?
> >Missing things: 1) lowrescam
> >2) "I want to make my webcam available to others"
> >3) FAQ/Help
> >(How about whether we are firewalled? This influences the webcam quality)
> added to TODO.
> -- 
> Boris FAURE (aka billiob)
> mail, msn : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> No trees were killed in the sending of this message.
> However, a large number of electrons were terribly
> agitated.

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