
In general, for me, it's not good: do other things with more priority, then
low priority. Because there will be always something with an higher priority
then low priority. If you can change something in something more simple it's
good. We should do both priorities (even if people doesn't use it: if you do
something you have to do it to the best of your ability. always.).

Thanks for +1. Maybe someday will be done something on it or maybe not.


2009/11/24 Arantes <arantes...@gmail.com>

> Hi guys,
> @square87 : if you'll have to remember things about the code anyway,
> then learn a bit of python and jump into amsn2 ! so we can get it more
> quickly !
> About the privacy thing .. i think it's very complicated right now,
> but that it's not a big deal because nobody goes there =D the only
> ones goin there are people who know what they're doin'. Keepin' it
> scary may even be a good thing as it may prevent end users who go
> there while hanging in the preferences from doing something wrong by
> accident.
> And I agree whith Anael, there are still things much more important to
> do in the 0.X branch.
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