Maybe I shouldn't reply, because you said discussion is closed. But as
I think we still have freedoom of speech, I'll just clarify, being
educated, some points (I think that's what I tried in my previous

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 9:17 PM, Youness Alaoui
<> wrote:
> You did ask for getting back your membership, check your second mail, and I

This is what I said in my second mail:

> much about it, right now I don't "need" it. But if I had to choose,
> I'd prefer to stay a member. AMSN is like a "son" for me, and I can't
> be sure I'll be back on it some day.

Clearly, I'm not requesting or asking anything. If I had a choice
between staying a member or not, I would chose first option. If
there's no choice, or first option was troublesome, it's ok.

I'm not an active developer now, that's obvious, so I haven't asked to
rejoin and get my permissions back. Simply, I was surprised, and find
it quite unrespectful to remove anyone, specially important team
members, without asking. Had it been the other way, I wouldn't have
removed Youness, for example, or Emilio, or Burger without at least
asking them first.

It's not about "mine is bigger", which I'm not interested as long as
our girlfriends are happy with it. If being founder and having wrote
thousands of lines if code and spent years of my life is not enough to
deserve some minimal respect, then what is it? Spending more hours on
IRC? Agreeing with you? So you don't mind about the past? Ok, let's
bury all history and human knowledge and forget about everyone that
did something anytime.

I also find rude to be insulted just because I wrote some emails
disagreeing with you, exposing my arguments and correcting some facts.
I know I'm quite picky, sometimes a virtue, sometimes a fault, but
that's not enough reason to be rude.

> I hope we can close this subject as it's increasingly annoying.

If it annoys you, you can stop replying. I have nothing more to add
for the moment.


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