WTF, I'll be a PITA, like it or not, as long as I don't agree or think
something is wrong. I won't, however insult, shout, or talk badly to
anyone on this mailing list for having a different opinion, specially
those who work or worked hard for the project. If you think I'm a PITA
and I don't deserve writing to this mailing list, you are free to ban

About IRC and mailing list... It's impossible to decide if it's better
to IRC or ML. They both have pros and cons.

I just think IRC is suitable if you can spend most of your time
connected, or (as you said) when you need to talk quickly about a very
specific topic. Then you can't beat IRC or instant messaging.

For general purpose discussion, I find ML much more useful. I can just
receive the email at the phone, wait to be back at home or a computer,
sit, think, write, and reply. I know my message will get to everyone
that is subscribed and interested on reading it. I agree about the
timezones, too.

About letting a screen connected to IRC on my home computer... I find
it quite annoying. When I get home, i need to review and filter the
last 24h chatting, which is mostly about "hey! how are you!", and
mostly stuff unrelated to the project. IRC can become "too personal",
like a group of friends. With mails, the messages are usually (let out
joking, flaming, etc) related to the project, and I can follow what's
going on at first sight.

> europeans, when Kakaroto is at work). The only issue is that the irc
> activity is not counted by sf to sort projects :)

that's another con for IRC...

Maybe the development has moved too much to IRC, limiting discussions
to 4 or 5 people, and leaving many potential contributors out, which
are not even aware of what's going on (just like my case).


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