Stephen wrote:

>On Mon, 15 May 2000, Aengus Lawlor wrote: 
>> To be fair, it's a Working Draft, not a spec.
>Oh, I agree. But that's no reason to ignore it without a reason.

They had a reason. Being Microsoft, they just didn't explain it to 
anyone :-)

>> It's a pity Microsoft didn't document why the ignored the draft (the use 
>> of milliseconds ... are improvements, in my opinion).
>I disagree here. Putting everything in seconds with decimals allows 
>different servers to choose different granularities. One can log in 
>milliseconds, one in centiseconds, and one in seconds, if they 

The use of milliseconds doesn't preclude measurements in 
centiseconds or seconds (just add a couple of zeroes). I suppose 
that it's theoretically possible that someone might want to log in 
sub-millisecond units, but I'm not sure why (sub-millisecond 
responses might be practical, but would you want to log 
sub-millisecond times). I'd also assume that logging a integer value 
is less expensive than converting to a float.

Anyway, this explains why Analog requires the #Software: header, which 
confused me when I was playing with some test logs.

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