Maybe the subject line is vague....
What I would like to know is if there is a way in order for Analog to log on
a daily basis with the date of that run, (yes, I know it can), and create
that output file of that date and have an index page created that will show
those new pages.
Does this make sense??? :)
If not, I know I can do it with a PERL script, but was hoping I wouldn't
have to do that.
But if need be, then I guess I will have to.

Let me be a little more specific....
Analog runs, say every 4 hours via a cron job.
It creates an output file in .html format. (stats-jul5-13.html --> name of
page with date and time)
Then creates an index.html that will show the previous runs created with
date and time. This way, the index page will show all the analog runs with
dates as links to show those times.

If anyone has done this, or knows if Analog will do it, please let me know.
I have read the instructions and help files till my mind went numb. :)


Michael Fenimore
Millennium Graphic Arts, LLC

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