I slightly modified the analog source to produce an output that was
semi-seamless with my site design. I use PHP and a MySQL backend so I have
some PHP includes in the output and a custom directory listing which
includes menus for the main site. My setup maybe somewhat what you are
looking for so here it is:
I run a daily cron run after midnight:
/path/to/analogdir/analog +C"FROM `date +%y%m%d --date=yesterday`" +C"TO `
date +%y%m%d --date=yesterday`" +g/path/to/analogdir/analog_daily.cfg

OUTFILE /path/to/dir/in/webdocs/stats-%Y%M%D-%w_%m_%D_%Y.html
Reports you want to see for a daily report should be turned on/off here
Since I have a custom directory listing for files it's ok for me to just
dump it into the directory as it shows on the page next time someone views
it. I do weekly reports manually in case the log file is getting to big, but
here is a cron you can run sunday morning to do a report from sunday of the
previous week til saturday.

/path/to/analogdir/analog +C"FROM `date +%y%m%d --date='7 days ago'`" +C"TO
`date +%y%m%d --date=yesterday`" +g/path/to/analogdir/analog_weekly.cfg

OUTFILE /path/to/dir/in/webdocs/.weekly/%Y%M%D-Week_Ending-%m_%D_
Reports you want to see for a weekly report should be turned on/off here

Since I run PHP on the site I use the .php extension as opposed to the .html
extension to allow for the includes of the menus for the site. You can see
an example of what this looks like at http://www.nutz.org/stats. I'm pretty
sure there are better ways to do this, but this is what I got going now as
I'm fairly new to analog.

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