On 30 Jan 2001, at 11:53, Stephen Turner wrote about 
Re: [analog-help] robots, including, excluding, a:

> > BROWEXCLUDE -FILE filename
> > BROWINCLUDE -FILE filename

> > This differs from CONFIGFILE because only the arguments would be in
> > the file, not the commands. This could be generalized to many other
> > commands but it is only really useful where you want to use the same
> > list of arguments for different commands. I think only the item
> > include/exclude commands would get used this way.

> > Does this make sense?

> Yes, it makes sense. I'm not sure whether I like it as an idea though.
> It's concise, but it possibly seems like too much of a "power user"
> option, in that makes it harder to look in one place and figure out
> what's going on.
> Does anyone else have an opinion on this?

my vote is YES - let's do it, please. 

I intercept new spiders to exclude every week, and it would be a pain 
to modify the config files for all the websites I manage. So I'm 
already using a system like this - simply adding a 
CONFIGFILE no-spiders.txt
line to every main cfg file

And no-spiders.txt contains a list of
which gets constantly updated. I'm not a poweruser at all, but 
something like this really lets me "look in one place and figure out
what's going on", as you said, Stephen.

my 2 lire

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