It was me, I'm a she and running 6.0 in English on Windows. That version installed itself out of the box.

You suggested me privately to edit the place to fix the weird content of the details panel, that option of the context menu does not work.

I'm not a native English speaker, but I guess the signature line should read:
   The archive of this list is available at:
You are also mixing up localisation (adapted to a location, the verb for this noun is localise or localize depending on UK or US English) and location. I saw it happen on the wiki and in a signature line.


Francois schreef op 2012-05-07 08:45:

 Yesterday I got a message from someone who reported a bug and a
 This is part of his message :

I need to close the list of places and restart to show the map view
As the Netherlands is much smaller than France, I would like markers
city, or even hameau. Can I set the default coordinates for unnkown

 As I do not know which version of Ancestris he is running (v. 0.6 or
v. 0.7b) I can't elaborate. Do you remember Daniel such a bug report
for the geo view? I've not seen such a behavior with the geo view, but
I run v. 0.7b.

About his requests, we already have one marker per city or hamlet. It
would help to know the way his tags PLAC and FORM are written in his
gedcom's header. If he sends his feedback using the "Contact the
Ancestris Team" feature, we will get his log file.

 About the default coordinates for unknown places, he is right. It
would be good to have an option for that.

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