So use a WebView, and make it a web application. You can set it up to
only respond to your application's WebView.

If you're more comfortable with Javascript than you are with
constructing GUI objects, then I strongly recommend this choice.

If not, then this really isn't that hard, but you see a bit unclear on
some basic things that are stopping you before you start.

ViewGroup is just the common parent to all the types of views that
have children, such as the layout classes.

To create views dynamically, you just create them as described in the
XML file you'd use if you were doing it statically, and use
addView(child) to put them together in a hierarchy. The only really
tricky part of this is setting up the layout parameters -- you have to
use the right LayoutParameters subclass that the parent expects.

Other than that -- it's just a matter of, create an instance of the
appropriate class, set the attributes, create a layout parameters
object, set its parameters, associate it with the child view so the
parent knows what to do with it, and add the child.

On Jul 2, 1:24 pm, Harsha <> wrote:
> Since its a test, it needs to be an native application so that the
> student cant access different browsers. And since I am new to android
> development I am just learning the language right now. Each question
> is like one xml file which i need to read on fly and create the GUI
> also on fly.
> I just came across some article that says using view groups would help
> me create GUI on fly but I am not really sure what approach i need to
> take, so I need advice from all expertise here which approach should i
> follow

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