The request I make is from "GET" type, so I've no output and I think
that it's not possible to send more data than expected. Correct me if
I'm wrong.
The request I make is exactly the same on Android and Windows Mobile
and with WM, the server react correctly. The request seems to be good.
Anyway, how can I access to socket object with an httpUrlConnection ?

I'm already listening to events:
(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION) and TelephonyManager
(PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_DATA_CONNECTION_STATE). Nothing is coming
up during the problem.

On 28 sep, 16:39, Kostya Vasilyev <> wrote:
>   Kinda reading between the lines in the first link you posted, I had a
> thought... Is your client sending more data in the HTTP request than the
> server expects?
> There are two more things I would try:
> - Shut down the output side of your connection on the Android side after
> you've sent the http(s) request - i.e. call socket.shutdownOutput()
> - Listen for connectivity changes and close the socket (this will come
> from the UI thread) so the networking thread wakes up in its read.
> Here is a working example of listening for connectivity changes, in the
> answer section:
> -- Kostya
> 28.09.2010 16:52, Cydrike пишет:
> > Looks like a SSL problem after all ?
> > Well, I've done more dumps. It appears that even when the connection
> > is working, I can see this strange behavior of [RST]. The difference
> > is that just after the [RST], a new [SYNC] is done and the connection
> > "works" again.
> > After going out of sleep mode there's just no new [SYNC].
> > I've also made some tests with my Windows Mobile application which is
> > using the same server in same conditions. There are no trace of those
> > [RST] TCP flags.
> > Some researches with Google point me this article
> >
> > and
> > It's typically what we can see in the previously posted dump.
> > I'm not doing anything special to keep the session alive. I've got an
> > infinite loop that read on the response InputStream. Since the server
> > is supposed to respond me in chunked mode, I'm waiting for any new
> > data in the InputStream. I can't use http. The server is not handling
> > it. I'm not using any kind of "rooted" or modified firmware. I've got
> > an HTC Desire with Android 2.1update1.
> > I was also able to do some tests on an HTC Desire with Android 2.2. I
> > know that SSL implementation has changed but the problem remains.
> > On 27 sep, 19:12, Kostya Vasilyev<>  wrote:
> >>    Looking at the Wireshark dump, it looks like the server begins to
> >> close the connection before the phone falls asleep:
> >> It's the FIN/ACK packet #212994 - highlighted in grey.
> >> The phone is supposed to send ACK (which it does) and then its own
> >> FIN/ACK, confirming the close (which it does not).
> >> Instead we see some kind of "TLSv1 Encrypted Alert" - can't say anything
> >> about that one.
> >> Then we get to the red lines: the phone aborts the connection by sending
> >> RST/ACK, and the server replies with RST.
> >> So it looks like the server begins to close the connection much earlier
> >> than previously thought, perhaps after sending data as usual, without
> >> expecting that the connection will be kept around for other uses.
> >> Are you doing anything to artificially keep the session alive? What
> >> happens if you use unencrypted http? Finally, are you using any kind of
> >> "rooted" or modified firmware?
> >> -- Kostya
> >> 27.09.2010 19:27, Cydrike пишет:
> >>> I've looked at what's happening on the server. The server is as
> >>> mobile, it doesn't see any closed connection.
> >>> Here's what I've got from Wireshark:
> >>> The connection is started at the beginning [sync]. Then I put the
> >>> mobile in sleep mode.
> >>> It's awaken when we can see the Encrypted Alert.
> >>> Then a RST comes from the mobile ????
> >>> Nothing is going through the connection anymore.
> >>> Can you explain me what's happening ?
> >>> On 24 sep, 11:49, Cydrike<>    wrote:
> >>>> There's nothing in logcat apart from garbage collector actions.
> >>>> I'm already listening to ConnectivityManager
> >>>> (ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION) and TelephonyManager
> >>>> (PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_DATA_CONNECTION_STATE) events to track
> >>>> network modifications. Nothing is caught when the problem occurs.
> >>>> I'm going to check on server side if the connection is still alive or
> >>>> not. I'll give you the information as soon as possible.
> >>>> On 23 sep, 22:58, Kostya Vasilyev<>    wrote:
> >>>>> Oh, and check the logcat - I think you should see connection manager 
> >>>>> events
> >>>>> at the time your connection goes bad.
> >>>>> --
> >>>>> Kostya Vasilyev --
> >>>>> 23.09.2010 14:00 пользователь "Cydrike"<>    
> >>>>> написал:
> >>>>> Hello Kostya,
> >>>>> I've tried what you said but my problem remains. I'm fact the problem
> >>>>> only occurs when the device goes in sleep mode. If I let it connected
> >>>>> to my PC (the screen never goes totally black), every thing is working
> >>>>> fine. I've got a wakeLock in my application:
> >>>>> final PowerManager pm = (PowerManager)
> >>>>> getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
> >>>>> m_partialWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock((PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK |
> >>>>> I've implemented something that connect to my server each 3min when in
> >>>>> sleep mode. It's not using the connection which is supposed to be
> >>>>> alive because I can't send data on it. The server is as is and I can't
> >>>>> change anything on it. This mechanism works, I manage to successfully
> >>>>> connect to my server. But still after 5min my opened connection
> >>>>> doesn't receive data anymore.
> >>>>> Something in the sleep mode is putting my connection in "hold", I
> >>>>> don't know. I'm not even sure that the connection is closed. It seems
> >>>>> it's just stuck somewhere.
> >>>>> The server is closing correclty any connection since when not in sleep
> >>>>> mode I always detect it. So my first message has wrong information.
> >>>>> Cédric
> >>>>> On 22 sep, 12:26, Kostya Vasilyev<>    wrote:>       
> >>>>> Like I said before, detecting a ...
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