Just to clarify -- I'm NOT saying the current state doesn't have huge
usability problems! (And so did the previous state).

I'm only disagreeing with the sentiment that "real programmers only
want to use the XML, and ignore the GUI". Even now, when it works
right (and I can figure out how to use it), it's a time savings.

When it's not, I end up reformatting and fixing the XML.

My point is, it's quite worth the Android teams' time improving this.
It's NOT just newbies who don't understand the XML who will benefit.

In fact, I think it would be a good goal to make the UI expose the
functionality so clearly, usably, completely, and unambiguously that
knowing the XML offers no benefit to the "real" developer (unless
you're writing automated transformations on it).

On Dec 31, 2:32 am, hiwa <hiw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Dec 31, 6:08 am, Bob Kerns <r...@acm.org> wrote:
> > I don't really agree with this.
> You know what, just have a go at anything else in a 2011 worthy of
> developer suitable IDE out there, I have been using eclipse for 5
> years now. I have used it for more than just Java, and I am a huge fan
> of Android.
> Just carry on from my example: an LL within a top LL then try and add
> the third one, its a mystery where it drops! OK lets move on, add
> another LL with Horizontal orientation because we will be creating a
> row of small buttons, I need to add about 70 small buttons so about 7
> rows of 10 buttons each (use table row? thats not the point wait) OK,
> so I SUCCESSFULLY dragged and dropped 7 of my buttons which I have
> managed to drop into the top LL. Guess what? The 7 of them were just
> plain buttons with background images now have their titles back!
> Do I have to use image buttons?
> Why the heck then a button has a background? Jesus get a grip Android,
> go and play with Interface Builder (do not even try and accuse me of
> playing android down or any other silly accusations) or anything else
> you like and learn some USABILITY! I may be a stupid user but I should
> be able to do drag and drop, ISNT that the point?

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