Thanks Mark.
Further investigation is showing me that the Fire returns a densiy
(and scaledDensity) of 1.0 vs 1.5 for the Tab.Changing the ppi on the
simulator down to 164 from 169 gives the result that I am seeing on
the Fire, so it looks like Amazon is not doing anything wrong (other
than telling developers to be ready for the Fire by setting up an AVD
with 169 PPI, instead of 164).
I am using dp's or dip's everywhere and unless I am totally confused,
this is one case where using dp's is worse than using px's, because
the Tab is multiplying my dp's by 1.5 and the Fire is not, but they
are the same size screen with less than 3% variance in pixel density.
Hence, the views on my Fire are 2/3 the size of the same views on the
My best guess is that the Fire is reporting a lower density because of
the extra rows of system info.
In any case, I still don't see how to work around this. If it was a 7"
device with a pixel count of 600x400, all would be well with the 1.0
density factor :-).
Any suggestions?

On Nov 17, 4:52 am, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 12:41 AM, Kim <> wrote:
> > I do see that the Fire reports back about 165 dpi, x and y, vs about
> > 169 from the Tab. Are they just on either side of the border of Large
> > and Medium?
> Device manufacturers choose what size and density bucket they go in.
> This is especially true for Amazon, which does not have to meet any of
> the compatibility tests, and therefore can largely do whatever they
> want.
> > If so, is there a way to load the layout-large xml even though the
> > Fire is on the Medium side?
> Not by the same name. I suggest that you come up with alternative
> layouts that are not quite so dependent on density. For example, do
> not use px as the unit of measure for dimensions.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)||
> _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 3.6 Available!

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