Dang.. hire a lawyer.. getting more expensive to publish an app every day!
What's that cost.. a few grand at least? lol.

Nikolay.. not sure why you made that comment? While I can understand that
authorizing an app to use some of your information is not for everyone.. I
believe part of why AccountManager is part of the Android APIs is to ensure
that a person's info is secure and an app can only access tokens of some
sort that could not be abused by an app... furthermore.. an app, I would
assume, would gain a bad following and not do well at all if it were
misusing the tokens. In my case, I am learning Android and since there are
700,000+ apps out there.. there really isn't much not thought of these
days... so while learning I am just trying to think of things that would
make my life easier. One of them is.. not having to manually type in email
addresses using the external email intent when sending out emails. I hate
an app that takes me away from it to use other apps features, like cameras,
emails, sms, etc. If one app can, with some permissions, save me time and
be of use, then I am fine with allowing it to do so. I would ALSO depend on
the description being clear (and/or a video, pics, separate web site, etc)
and explaining WHY permissions would be required. I think as I've read on
some blogs on polishing apps.. an app that just pops up permission requests
with no clear reason as to why it's needed.. I would not trust it either.
In my case, I would/will explain all the reasons for what permissions a
user might need to auth in the app itself, and would provide a video and
web site to provide more info, plus email to support any questions.

As for not being able to use it.. it's part of the google API on their site
so I would assume it should be OK.

On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Lew <lewbl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Nikolay Elenkov wrote:
> Kevin Duffey wrote:
>> > This article seems to indicate an XOAUTH2 with email.. going to give it
>> a
>> > shot.. but still can't find anything indicating that this is allowed or
>> > supported. It would be good to find out if we can use the email service
>> > without user intervention (except for the initial pop-up in the app
>> that
>> > asks for user permissions), or if google does not want apps to send out
>> > emails on behalf of users using their gmail accounts even IF the app
>> > describes it and the user accepts.
>> OAuth 2.0 is certainly not deprecated. You already have the link in the
>> SO
>> answer, but here it is again:
>> https://developers.google.com/**google-apps/gmail/oauth_**overview<https://developers.google.com/google-apps/gmail/oauth_overview>
>> Whether or not it is OK to use this in an app is another matter.
>> You should make it clear to users that you want to send email
>> from their account and give them an option to opt out. To make
>> sure the whole thing is legal, etc. hire a lawyer to draft your
>> terms of use/privacy policy, etc. Also make sure users
>> actually accept it before using the app.
>> Disclaimer: IANAL, so take this with a grain of salt.
> And tell us the name of the app so I can be sure *NEVER* to use it.
> --
> Lew
> --
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