Hi All,

When my client code calls bindService it was fine and it calls 
onServiceConnected, there i am calling the interface method using the 
XXXX.Stub.asInterface(service) object and there only it gives me bunch of 
error as:

02-13 17:14:52.239: WARN/Parcel(1035): **** enforceInterface() expected 
'oem.android.proj1.IRemoteService' but read 
02-13 17:14:52.249: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(1071): Shutting down VM
02-13 17:14:52.249: WARN/dalvikvm(1071): threadid=3: thread exiting with 
uncaught exception (group=0x40010e28)
02-13 17:14:52.249: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071): Uncaught handler: thread 
main exiting due to uncaught exception
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071): 
java.lang.SecurityException: Binder invocation to an incorrect interface
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071):     at 
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071):     at 
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071):     at 
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071):     at 
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071):     at 
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071):     at 
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071):     at 
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071):     at 
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071):     at 
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071):     at 
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071):     at 
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071):     at 
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071):     at 
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071):     at 
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071):     at 
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071):     at 
02-13 17:14:52.259: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1071):     at 
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

My Server and Client code both are in different package i mean in 
different .APK.

I have ran the Service code first and these are the below files i am 
IRemoteService.aidl -> have the interfaces
DisplayPage.java --> Activity that starts the RemoteService.java
RemoteService.java  --> Service and impliments the interface methods

AndroidManifest.xml code:
    <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label=
        <activity android:name=".DisplayPage" android:label=
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" 
            </intent-filter>      </activity>
        <service android:name="RemoteService" android:exported="true"
                 class="RemoteService" android:process=":remote">
        <action android:name="oem.android.proj2.IRemoteService"/>
        <action android:name="oem.android.proj2.REMOTE_SERVICE"/>
        </intent-filter> </service>

IRemoteService.aidl  code:
package oem.android.proj1;

interface IRemoteService{
    void display();

RemoteService.java  code:
package oem.android.proj1;
public class RemoteService extends Service { 
        public void onCreate() {
        super.onCreate(); } 
        public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
                If (IRemoteService.class
                return mBinder;         }
                return mBinder;}}
private final IRemoteService.Stub mBinder = new IRemoteService.Stub(){
                public void display(){
                Toast.makeText(RemoteService.this, "RemoteService -- 
display function",
                        Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();    }

Then i ran the Client code and these are the below files i am using:
IRemoteService.aidl -> have the interfaces
RemoteServiceBinding.java --> Activity that that calls the bindService and 
calls the Service's methods.
AndroidManifest.xml code:
    <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label=
        <activity android:name=".RemoteServiceBinding"
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" 
                <action android:name="oem.android.proj1.IRemoteService"/>
                <action android:name="oem.android

IRemoteService.aidl  code:
package oem.android.proj1;

interface IRemoteService{
    void display();
RemoteServiceBinding.java code:
package oem.android.proj2;

public class RemoteServiceBinding extends ListActivity {
        private Context ctx;
        IRemoteService mService = null;
        private String[] mStrings = {"Bind", "Conn"};
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

private ServiceConnection mConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
            public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className,IBinder 
service) {
                mService = IRemoteService.Stub.asInterface(service);
                public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
                    mService = null;}
protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id)
                if(position ==0)
                        bindService(new Intent(IRemoteService.class
                            mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);

                if(position ==1)
                         try {
                                        } catch (RemoteException e) {
                                                // TODO Auto-generated 
catch block
                                        }               } 

i have set the ListItem listener when i press my bind one it should call 
the bindService and it is doing correctly, but when i click the Conn it 
should call my   display() method but is giving me errors that i have 
mentioned on the top.

Can someone plz help me what went wrong on my code, i am assuming that 
some thing broken in my AndroidManifest.xml code only.

Actually i am still in dilema what all thing to set in AndroidManifest.xml 
file in both Client and Server site, like permisson or any other things.

Thanks & Regards,

Hans <hkess...@gmail.com> 
Sent by: android-developers@googlegroups.com
02/13/2009 01:40 AM
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Android Developers <android-developers@googlegroups.com>

[android-developers] Re: Unable to start service Intent error in 
Client-Server project

On Feb 12, 2:47 pm, Dianne Hackborn <hack...@android.com> wrote:
> Um.  This is the package your service is in:
> <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android";
>      package="*com.android.TestService*"
> And yet you are trying to start a service in the other package:
> Unable to start service
> Intent { 

That's what the error is, I'm simply calling start service like this:

if( null == startService( new Intent( this, TestService.class ) ) )
                 if( null != in_oOutput )
                                 in_oOutput.append( "\nstartService 
returned 'null'" );

                 return false;

My client class has imported TestService via:

import com.android.TestService.*;

So, I'm wondering why, unless I declare the service in the client's
manifest as I explained before (and change absolutely nothing else)
does it work just fine, but without the service line in the client
manifest it is trying, for some reason, to find it in the wrong place.

When it works, the activity manager reports in the log:

"02-12 15:08:43.541: INFO/ActivityManager(50): Start proc
com.android.servicemonitor:remote for service
pid=621 uid=10018 gids={}"

So it would seem that com.android.servicemonitor/
com.android.TestService.TestService is perfectly fine.



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