If its any consolation you are not alone in this.  We have all been 
sucked in by Google.  I just get the feeling we have already been spat out!

While Google continue to make billions of $$$ what they need is 
additional resource to test their code, the grunt work.  That is where 
we come in.  If anyone thinks for a minute Google care, think again!

Very sad, very sad indeed!


Al Sutton wrote:
> Now before I start on the iPhone comparison I'm going to pre-empt the normal
> "But Android is open source....." response by saying lets be honest and
> admit it as it stands Android is not an open source project because the
> public "open source" repository is pretty worthless in its' current state.
> The last time I tried to build the master branch it failed missing some
> Google internal API classes. The SDKs I've produce from the cupcake branch
> seem to be considered by Google employees as pretty useless with comments
> like "This is why we want to be clear it is "unofficial," because it is not
> actually a working SDK" being thrown around and networking in the emulator
> still being broken a week after users started reporting the showstopper
> problem (And Romain did hint that Google have a fix, I read
> http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/msg/41fcefc36bd16d44 as
> "there is a version where this is fixed"). And as we all know you can't use
> it to build the exact versions of the open source parts of either of the two
> firmware versions that have shipped on the G1.
> To me it seems little more than code dump which is aimed at ensuring Google
> can keep saying "But it is open source and not just a Google project"
> Now, in the last week I had few conversations with iPhone developers so I
> could compare the Android developer experience to that of what is perceived
> as our nearest competitor and they are laughing at us (seriously, when I
> mentioned the G1 most of them responded by initially chuckling). The general
> consensus among them was;
> - Yes, you pay $99 for the iPhone dev kit, but you get "free" external
> testing (i.e. at apple) and commercial quality support with many queries
> being turned around in hours or a couple of days at worst. Compare that to
> some of the support queries on b.android.com for basic problems things like
> a Android failing to connect to wireless lans with hidden SSID
> (http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=1041) which, after *five
> and a half months* is still marked as "New" and doesn't have a single
> response from a Google employee.
> - The most common cause of App Store listing rejections are things that
> users would complain about anyway. This includes things like performance
> characteristics, UI anomalies, and inconsistent behaviour. This is the type
> of stuff that is left for users to find out on Android and only comes to
> light when 1* or 2* comments are posted and even then you don't know if it's
> a one off on the users device or possibly something specific to their region
> (http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=2372).
> - The normal amount of time from submission to app store listing is around 7
> days. Some apps take months to go through the approval process, but that is
> because of intellectual property concerns, concerns over offensive content,
> or is because the app has to be re-reviewed a few times to meet the apples
> performance and behaviour guidelines. Yes it's not as fast as Android, but
> you know that once it's on the market it's of a quality where you're not
> going to get bombarded with user queries about problems straight off.
> - Most of the developers actually feel valued by Apple and feel that Apple
> does what it can to make sure they get the tools they need to do their job
> and ensure they're apps. This has been re-enforced by allowing the
> developers to beta test the new firmware and develop against it.
> Personally, it's made me shell out $99 for an iPhone SDK, dust off my Nokia
> N81, and spend $75 on eBay on a Blackberry so I can explore the
> alternatives.
> Al.
> ---
> * Written an Android App? - List it at http://andappstore.com/ *
> ======
> Funky Android Limited is registered in England & Wales with the 
> company number  6741909. The registered head office is Kemp House, 
> 152-160 City Road, London,  EC1V 2NX, UK. 
> The views expressed in this email are those of the author and not 
> necessarily those of Funky Android Limited, it's associates, or it's 
> subsidiaries. 
> >

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