Huh? Regarding (1). That's almost the same as normal pc applications
that require online activation. They either get cracked, someone
creates a serial number generator, or people start posting stolen
activation codes.

On 24 Nov, 11:15, "Dmitry.Skiba" <> wrote:
> Nice discussion you have there...
> For the last few days I was thinking about how to implement protection
> technics for Android apps.
> One way is to go with alternative markets (like slideme) which provide
> online activation (slidelock in case of slideme).
> But more challenging (and interesting!) is to integrate protection
> with android's own market.
> I can think of three schemes:
> (1) Be able to supply an unique token to the user when he buys an app,
> and have him enter that token later in the app to activate it.
> (2) Somehow know which (by some id) phone is buying, and generate an
> app that will run only on that particular phone.
> (3) Generate an unique apk for each purchase and then let user through
> activation process which will tie an unique app id to the unique phone
> id.
> All this methods assume that app is protected (the interesting part)
> and can't be easily cracked.
> Now, as I understand options (2) and (3) is not available. We don't
> know anything about buying phone nor can we generate an apks.
> What about (1)? [I'm asking because I know nothing about commercial
> aspect of the market.]
> Or maybe there are other options? Let's discuss!
> Dmitry
> On 16 ноя, 17:12, AlexK <> wrote:
> > Our company starts today anti-piracy initiative against piracy that
> > already happened onAndroidMarket. We request all vendors and
> > developers to support this initiative.
> > Piracy become a threat for vendors that publishing application 
> > onAndroidMarket! It is not a joke, it is a real threat.
> > Our last application publishing shows how bad is situation on 
> > theAndroidMarket. Only 20% of all installs are legal, other 80% are in
> > piracy hands.
> > Google does not provide any actions to stop piracy, so we as a vendor
> > that provide software forAndroidMarket, have to think about
> > protection measures. Piracy is threat that cannot be target easily and
> > eliminated in one day. Only join of all vendors can help in anti-
> > piracy.
> > ArtfulBits company decide to start from today "AndroidAnti-piracy
> > Movement" with main goal: "protect vendors and punish piracy".
> > Our next steps are:
> > - Petition to Google with request to provide better anti-piracy
> > protocols forAndroidMarket;
> > - Collective anti-Google charge, from side of vendors that loose money
> > due to Google "security holes" inAndroidMarketapplication
> > distribution channel;
> > - Public web service "Black List", that helps all developer to check
> > is there application installed on pirate phone;
> > - Joining of the software vendors over that problem for finding better
> > anti-piracy strategies;
> > - Identification of the roots of piracy, that make 
> > possibleAndroidMarketsoftware leaking and contribution them to justice.
> > A little later today we will open "black-list" database of devices,
> > where was installed stolen version of applications. In addition, we
> > will provide "easy code" for all developers that can be integrated
> > into own application and during first start, check is phone in "black
> > list" or not.
> > Opened Anti-Piracy forum thread:
> > Petition can be signed 
> > here:
> > Stay tuned! Thanks.

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