does that mean i wont be able to locate the db file ? I saw a data
folder in android sdk /platforms /1.5/  but it does not follow
structure after that like data/<pkg name>/databases

and there is no data folder generated in bin folder of my workspace.

the curious situation is, i create records using ContentValues

long pk = MyDB.insert(MY_TABLE, null, values);

i get proper pk value on insert (debugged and see)

but when i do a

long i = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex("MyId"));

I get a zero, i tried getInt also, did not work. i am convinced it is
proper pk value in the db because, MyId is INT PRIMARY KEY

moreover all other filed values i am getting proper.

this is little fundamental to my app, as i plan to pass PK to alarm
Intent (Can I ? , I had put a separate question on this yesterday) and
ftech record values when alarm is fired.

On Dec 14, 1:30 pm, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> Jags wrote:
> > I am using sqlite db in my app. i am able to create db and table and
> > execute queries. But I wanted to know where is the sqlitedb created,
> > so that I can check them from commandine.
> > where doed that android store ? I searched, could not find anything on
> > that name in my pc, does android encrypt the name of the db file ?
> SQLite databases created on a device are stored on the device. SQLite
> databases created in an emulator are stored in the emulator. In both
> cases, they are stored in:
> /data/data/
> (where is the package you declared in your
> AndroidManifest.xml file)
> The only SQLite databases on your PC would be ones you created outside
> of Android.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)|
> Android Consulting/App Development:

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