thanks. now i understand it. Config.DEBUG is "for DEVICE" and not "for

i need some info to tell my apk which of map api key to use.  here are
the 2 cases:

(1). build apk by selecting Eclipse "Run> Run As" or "Run> Debug As"
menu option. in this case, the apk is a DEBUG built and is signed by
"Android Debug" key. hence, the apk must use the map api key applied
with the md5 checksum of "Android Debug" key. no matter on which of
emulator or real handset the apk runs, it is a DEBUG built.

(2). build apk by selcting "Android Tools> Export Signed Application"
menu option. in this case, the apk is a RELEASE built and is signed by
my key. so the apk must use the map api key applied with the md5
checksum of my key.

is there any way for my apk to programmatically know that it itself is
a DEBUG or RELEASE built without changing manifest debuggable
attribute so that my apk can choose the right map api key?

or, my question can be: is there any way for my apk to know by which
of DEBUG/RELEASE key it was signed?

On Apr 5, 7:41 am, "~ TreKing" <> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 2:00 AM, HeHe <> wrote:
> > why do you think i am not being serious?!
> Because you insist on asking the exact same question after an answer was
> posted (and then re-posted) about 3 times now.
> I thought Xavier's first post about the Config.DEBUG variable indicating the
> DEVICE was debug was clear that this was not something you could change or
> had anything to do with the "debuggable" flag.
> I hope Bob's post clears this up. And to add to that the link he posted
> refers to the "debuggable" flag in the manifest I mentioned earlier.
> If you're still confused, maybe explaining why you insist on using
> Config.DEBUG would help clear things up?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----------------------
> TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered 
> devices

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