
Jim Ancona wrote:
It installed easily. Wifi and GPS work out of the box. I could make
calls. Received calls went directly to voicemail, with a note in the
log: "CallNotifier: rejecting incoming call because device isn't
provisioned", which led me to Cedric's email:


I was able to fix it by inserting a row in the secure table in settings.db:

# sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
SQLite version 3.5.9
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> INSERT INTO secure (name, value) VALUES ('device_provisioned', 1);

There's discussion and proposed patches to fix the issue here:

Other impressions:
Call volume is still very low.
Wifi seems to stop working from time to time.
GPRS still doesn't work--defining an APN seems to break GSM voice as well
Battery life is still bad, a few hours at best. Apparently the phone
still isn't suspending
This is a very interesting issue.
If the system is not suspend this is an acquire wake lock, cat /sys/power/wake_lock
cat /sys/power/full_wake_lock (to remove)
Just to understand what subsystem take the lock. Remove the option stay awake if powered.
I use the same version of koolu with some changes:
liblight and libsensor

Marcelo, When koolu will add this two library?

The UI is slow, but seems to have gotten faster after a few hours of
use--or maybe I've just gotten used to it :-)
Using my last version and clean up all the sdcard partion I notice that is faster but I
have trouble with the display timeout.

Keep up the good work!

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