Junqian Gordon Xu wrote:
On 09/22/2008 12:14 PM, Philip Balister wrote:
Koen Kooi wrote:
Bob Igo wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Koen Kooi wrote:
Ah, that error is one of that random libtool ones we fixed in .dev:
'bitbake -c clean libtool-cross ; bitbake -c clean fontconfig'

Thanks for helping me work around that.  How does this fix get
propagated to the stable branch so that others don't run into that same

The fix would be hundreds of commits large, since it's tied it to the toolchain overhaul, sysroot changes and libtool 2.x changes. So that's sadly not feasible to do. The good news however is that a new stable branch based on current .dev is being prepared, which should land in a few weeks if things work out ok. The current stable branch will still be supported for 3 months after the new stable branch has been started.

I think we should "support" the current stable branch for as long as we can manage. Hopefully, people will still use devices based on it for longer than three months.

I agree with Philip's statement. Reasons:

1) two key components: kdrive 1.4.0 and udev in the current dev branch are broken for many handheld devices.
2) mtn to git switch date is uncertain

It's nice to prepare the new release in dev for testing, but please don't branch until at least after the mtn to git switch. Preferably, even after the commit review policies are in place and the dev branch stabilizes a bit.

The only pressing issue as I can see is the ipkg -> opkg switch. We can backport that if needed. But even without opkg, we can still manage the stable branch.

Until the dev branch stabilizes, we should follow feature (as in the eyes of the users) based release instead of time based release.
I also like the idea of a feature based release of angstrom but the stable branch is no longer angstroms branch so we should start a discussion about branching and supporting at the stable branch or openembedded mailing list. The fact that a RFC got acked once is no argument against a discussion about the topic as no one can forecast a year in advance. We also should start a discussion about angstrom releases on this list (angstrom-devel) but please in another thread.

best regards
Bernhard Guillon

Angstrom-distro-devel mailing list

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