> Thank you.
However, I need this in ES5, preferably in the following form:
> app.directive('focusNext', function() {
>     return {
>         restrict: 'A',
>         link: function(scope, el) {
>             el.bind('keydown', function(event) {
>                 if (event.keyCode === 13) {            
>                     // 1. look for the next element here 
>                     // 2. set focus to element
>                 }
>             });
>         }
>     };
> });
> I compiled your code with Babel, but the TraverseAndFindFocusableElements 
> it yields is a bit confusing, and doesn't work (regeneratorRuntime is not 
> defined). Can you show me a simple way to find the index of the directives' 
> element inside the among the other items with the same focus-next directive?
> I'm able to get the other items document, but none of the items seem to 
> match "el".
> var els = document.querySelectorAll('[focus-next]')
> for(var i in els) {
> console.log(els[i]==el) // all of these return false
> }
> As you can probably tell, I'm very much a noob with Angular.

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