Alexey Melnikov <> wrote:
    >> > o In the language of [RFC6125] this provides for a SERIALNUM-ID >
    >> category of identifier that can be included in a certificate and >
    >> therefore that can also be used for matching purposes.  The >
    >> SERIALNUM-ID whitelist is collated according to manufacturer trust >
    >> anchor since serial numbers are not globally unique.

    > This is actually not helping. I was looking for something like:

    >   DNS-ID = a subjectAltName entry of type dNSName

    > Basically I was asking for a definition of SERIALNUM-ID somewhere.

It's a (subject)DN of serial number=123456, not a subjectAltName.
(not the CertificateSerialNumber)

It's X.520.. via 802.1AR and RFC5280 section!!PDF-E&type=items
section 6.2.9.

    o  Client authentication is automated using Initial Device Identity
       (IDevID) as per the EST certificate based client authentication.
       The subject field's DN encoding MUST include the "serialNumber"
-      attribute with the device's unique serial number.
+      attribute with the device's unique serial number as explained in
+      Section 2.3.1
-   o  This extends the informal set of "identifer type" values defined
-      in [RFC6125] to include a SERIALNUM-ID category of identifier that
-      can be included in a certificate and therefore that can also be
-      used for matching purposes.  As noted in that document this is not

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