I looked into the nsodbc --> odbc manager --> odbc-driver-for-mssql
solution.  Some of those 3 components already exist on Win32, and we'd like
a uniform solution for both platforms.  It seemed very suitable, except that
I couldn't locate Linux binaries for any of those components.  (I have no
success thus far at compiling C).  And the only sources I could find for a
SQL Server ODBC driver require the "Sybase Client Libraries" to compile
(whatever that is).

I also considered using JDBC object to connect to SQL, and then scripting
those through TclBlend.

Or FreeTDS if I could get it built and configured.

Or the ODBC-ODBC Bridge from EasySoft.

Or a home-grown RPC daemon on a Win32 box just to handle the SQL Server.

Or just installing Oracle (that is, until I saw the price tag).

Thanks for any help in this situation.  If we can adopt AOLserver in some
form (which means hooking it to SQL Server) I can start contributing
software and tech help to the community.
Microsoft Certified Professional
"Knowledge is Power."

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Asher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: installing AOL Server on WINDOWS!

>I missed the original message, but you seem interested in ODBC to SQL
>Server from Windows and UNIX?  Is there some reason you can't use nsodbc,
>or the odbc driver I've built? (http://theashergroup.com/download).  I
>recall hearing that nsodbc will build on windows, and I am pretty sure I
>got my driver building on windows.  They both work on linux, but you need
>some form of ODBC Manager.
>You can find some nsvhr setup guides at
>http://theashergroup/tag/articles/.  In the windows case, it should go
>without saying to use nsvhr/nssock and not nsvhr/nsunix.  By the way, on
>linux, I now have evidence that nsvhr/nssock is much much faster than using
>Apache's reverse proxying solution.  I don't know which is faster on
>Jerry Asher                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>1678 Shattuck Avenue Suite 161    Tel: (510) 549-2980
>Berkeley, CA 94709                Fax: (877) 311-8688

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