> Also do you have an URL for a nsvhr setup doc?  I don't know
> where to begin on that.  But it's a make-or-break issue for
> us, and a lot of other companies I'm sure.  Any experience I
> get from doing it on Windows will be contrib'd back to the group.

To the best of my knowledge nsvhr as present in AOLServer CVS tree
doesn't even compile under windows so unless you can fix it (which is
not hard) you won't get it. The only known (to me) place you can get
nsvhr under windows is in my own private "fork" of AOLServer 4 beta
available here: http://acs-misc.sourceforge.net/ns_rel_beta2.html
It also has nsxml, nspostgres, nscache and nssha1. Don't use it for
production work. You've been warned.

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