At 01:22 PM 11/27/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Could you add the directory containing the PHP source to your
>gdb init, as well, and send that backtrace?  I'm guessing that's
>where canonicalize.c lives, and it'd be interesting to see what
>line 88 is actually doing that causes the segfault ...

I did (tsrm_virtual_cwd.c, for instance, is part of PHP) but but there is
no file called canonicalize.c on my system. Is it built into gcc or
something? It seems to be part of stdlib.

BTW, if I build PHP with --enable-debug Aolserver crashes on startup:

[27/Nov/2001:12:12:42][14963.1024][-main-] Warning: modload: failed to load
'/usr/local/aolserver/bin/ undefined symbol: tsrm_error'
[27/Nov/2001:12:12:42][14963.1024][-main-] Fatal: modload: failed to load
module '/usr/local/aolserver/bin/'

Sean Redmond
Brooklyn Museum of Art

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