On Fri, 21 May 2004 10:58:02 +0200
Bernd Eidenschink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> PHP works with AOLserver, at least some folks use it. I don't know how
> well maintained the bridge ist, nor if PHP can be compiled with 4.0,

        Yes, it can. I recently built it using AOLServer 4.01 and PHP
5.0.0b4 with no problems. It seems to work just fine, but I haven't
tested it with a large-scale PHP app, just with a few simple
PHP-generated pages. Has anyone had some experience running a
non-trivial PHP app under AOLServer?

        The PHP documentation still carries a caveat that says that you
shouldn't use it in production because PHP is "not 100% stable yet in
threaded mode". But this warning may well be obsolete by now. Certainly
the PHP developers have had to work on thread safety for the hybrid
mode Apache 2.0. Has anyone had experience along these lines?

> but supporting PHP would be absolutely no harm. I would think of it as
> the honeypot.

        Hmm...I'd never thought of using AOLServer for that purpose
(http://www.tracking-hackers.com/papers/honeypots.html) -- interesting
concept, though.    :-)


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