Hello again Apertium committers,

As promised, I have finished re-importing 109 nursery/staging/trunk/language
modules and pairs
in order to retain history (some gained upwards of 1500 commits).
Commits since the first import have been manually carried over to prevent
data loss.
I had to use BFG <https://rtyley.github.io/bfg-repo-cleaner/#usage> to
clean out deleted files > 100 MB for slv-spa, eng-kaz and eo-fr
due to GitHub free tier limits. I am happy to help anyone else who would
like their
repository to be BFG'd to par down history.

As another note, the http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Using_git Wiki page has
seen some improvements as well. Note that git clone --depth N will make your
repositories take less space by downloading only N commits in the history (a
shallow clone). --depth 1 is the fastest naturally. You can use git fetch
later if you want the history.

Happy GitHub'ing folks!

Sushain K. Cherivirala

On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 8:20 AM, Sushain Cherivirala <sush...@skc.name>

> Hi Apertium committers,
> Unfortunately, there was an error in the technical details of the
> repository migration
> process that no one caught after the initial test migration results were
> made available.
> Fortunately, the error only affects the *history *of repositories.
> Effectively, any SVN folders
> that have had svn mv's from external to the folder into the folder
> currently have their
> history curtailed.
> I am working on amending this. Last night, I completed the necessary
> modifications to the
> scripts. However, this "full migration" takes considerably longer per
> repository, somewhere
> on the magnitude of 5-10x as long for whatever reason. The plan is
> currently to *not restrict*
> *the commits* of anyone. As these repositories are "migrated" to
> mock-apertium, I am checking
> whether they have more history than their "real" apertium counterparts and
> force pushing
> them into the Apertium org if so. I shall repeat any commits from
> individuals since then. Verified
> commits will lose their verified status. However, I suggest refraining
> from en masse commits (e.g.
> update all READMEs across all pairs) until this situation is sorted out.
> Of the 174 staging/nursery/trunk/languages modules, 40 have been checked
> so far. Of those,
> 13 repositories were updated in the apertium GitHub organization to now
> have their full history:
> apertium-ava
> apertium-bel
> apertium-bua
> apertium-chv
> apertium-cos
> apertium-crh
> apertium-deu
> apertium-gag
> apertium-hye
> apertium-kaa
> apertium-kaz
> apertium-kmr
> apertium-kum
> My apologies for this inconvenience. I am happy to answer any questions
> and will be on IRC
> this evening US time. I will send out another email after this is complete
> (hopefully soon).
> I do not foresee any problems.
> Thanks for your patience.
> --
> Sushain K. Cherivirala
> On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 10:41 PM, Shardul Chiplunkar <
> shardul.chiplun...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Apertium contributors,
>> Please read this email carefully, because there has been an important
>> change in
>> Apertium. The Apertium repository on SourceForge has been *locked
>> permanently*---it is read-only and nobody will be able to commit anymore.
>> The
>> Apertium core, monolingual modules, and bilingual modules at all stages of
>> development have been moved to GitHub. Tools already on GitHub have been
>> officially brought under Apertium. Other tools will be moved on an ad hoc
>> basis
>> upon request [2]. The GitHub repositories are available for use at [1].
>> Please see the previous email with the title "IMPORTANT: Apertium will be
>> migrating to GitHub" for details regarding this change. It is important
>> to note
>> that the permissions for committing to repositories on GitHub are not the
>> same
>> as before.
>> For help with using git and GitHub, or if you want to avoid using git
>> altogether, please see the wiki's help page [3].
>> Note about GitHub organization membership: by default, everyone is a
>> 'private'
>> member of the Apertium organization on GitHub. If you wish to be publicly
>> visible on the organization page [9], please change your membership to
>> 'public'
>> [10].
>> There was a lot of discussion about this migration, including on the wiki
>> page
>> [4] and in an email thread [5]. If you have further questions about the
>> migration, or problems with using the GitHub repositories, you can:
>>  - contact me [6] or Sushain [7]
>>  - send an email to apertium-stuff@lists.sourceforge.net
>>  - join the IRC channel #apertium on Freenode [8]
>> Thank you,
>> Shardul Chiplunkar
>>   [1]: https://apertium.github.io/apertium-on-github/source-browser.html
>>   [2]: http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Migrating_tools_to_GitHub
>>   [3]: http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Using_git
>>   [4]: http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/PMC_proposals/Move_Apertium_to
>> _Github
>>   [5]: https://www.mail-archive.com/apertium-stuff@lists.sourceforg
>> e.net/msg06629.html
>>   [6]: Shardul Chiplunkar <shardul.chiplun...@gmail.com>
>>   [7]: Sushain Cherivirala <sush...@skc.name>
>>   [8]: http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/IRC
>>   [9]: https://github.com/apertium
>>   [10]: https://help.github.com/articles/publicizing-or-hiding-organ
>> ization-membership/
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