Thanks Sushain, it would be great if you do that (no rush).


Juan Pablo

El 09/03/2018 a las 15:26, Sushain Cherivirala escribió:
Hi Juan,

I think the best solution to your concern is bringing back es-an and making it an archived repository without the apertium-incubator tag. That way, it will not show up in the source browser or accept changes but it will be readable in the web UI and via Git. GitHub also gives archived repos distinctive styling.

On Mar 9, 2018 8:12 AM, "Juan Pablo Martínez" < <>> wrote:

    Thanks so much to you and all the migration team! For me, it's
    time to learn git.

    I have one doubt about the history of the apertium-spa-arg. The
    pair was originally developed as apertium-es-an, but at some point
    we decided to separate monolingual data and use apertium-spa and
    apertium-arg. At the same time (or some weeks after), we imported
    the bilingual data in apertium-es-an to a new directory with
    three-letter language codes: apertium-spa-arg. The apertium-es-an/
    directory remained in trunk, although it has not been modified any

    This morning I told Fran that apertium-es-an could be deleted, as
    it is not in use anymore and could lead to mistakes, and so he
    did. However, I realize that that directory conveyed all the
    history previous to the creation of apertium-spa-arg, so we don't
    have tha part of the history in github. On the other hand, the
    history remains at sourceforge

    In summary, if we want to keep the whole history in github,
    perhaps we should recover apertium-es-an. But on the other hand,
    we don't want to have it as an active directory in github to avoid
    mistakes. Is there some way to have that?  Or perhaps keeping the
    history is not so important... I'm fine with any solution.

    Juan Pablo

    El 09/03/2018 a las 14:25, Sushain Cherivirala escribió:
    Hello again Apertium committers,

    As promised, I have finished re-importing 109
    modules and pairs
    in order to retain history (some gained upwards of 1500 commits).
    Commits since the first import have been manually carried over to
    prevent data loss.
    I had to use BFG
    <> to clean out
    deleted files > 100 MB for slv-spa, eng-kaz and eo-fr
    due to GitHub free tier limits. I am happy to help anyone else
    who would like their
    repository to be BFG'd to par down history.

    As another note, the
    <> Wiki page has
    seen some improvements as well. Note that git clone --depth N
    will make your
    repositories take less space by downloading only N commits in the
    history (a
    shallow clone). --depth 1 is the fastest naturally. You can use
    git fetch --unshallow
    later if you want the history.

    Happy GitHub'ing folks!

    Sushain K. Cherivirala

    On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 8:20 AM, Sushain Cherivirala
    < <>> wrote:

        Hi Apertium committers,

        Unfortunately, there was an error in the technical details of
        the repository migration
        process that no one caught after the initial test migration
        results were made available.

        Fortunately, the error only affects the *history *of
        repositories. Effectively, any SVN folders
        that have had svn mv's from external to the folder into the
        folder currently have their
        history curtailed.

        I am working on amending this. Last night, I completed the
        necessary modifications to the
        scripts. However, this "full migration" takes considerably
        longer per repository, somewhere
        on the magnitude of 5-10x as long for whatever reason. The
        plan is currently to *not restrict*
        *the commits* of anyone. As these repositories are "migrated"
        to mock-apertium, I am checking
        whether they have more history than their "real" apertium
        counterparts and force pushing
        them into the Apertium org if so. I shall repeat any commits
        from individuals since then. Verified
        commits will lose their verified status. However, I suggest
        refraining from en masse commits (e.g.
        update all READMEs across all pairs) until this situation is
        sorted out.

        Of the 174 staging/nursery/trunk/languages modules, 40 have
        been checked so far. Of those,
        13 repositories were updated in the apertium GitHub
        organization to now have their full history:


        My apologies for this inconvenience. I am happy to answer any
        questions and will be on IRC
        this evening US time. I will send out another email after
        this is complete (hopefully soon).
        I do not foresee any problems.

        Thanks for your patience.

        Sushain K. Cherivirala

        On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 10:41 PM, Shardul Chiplunkar
        <>> wrote:

            Dear Apertium contributors,

            Please read this email carefully, because there has been
            an important change in
            Apertium. The Apertium repository on SourceForge has been
            permanently*---it is read-only and nobody will be able to
            commit anymore. The
            Apertium core, monolingual modules, and bilingual modules
            at all stages of
            development have been moved to GitHub. Tools already on
            GitHub have been
            officially brought under Apertium. Other tools will be
            moved on an ad hoc basis
            upon request [2]. The GitHub repositories are available
            for use at [1].

            Please see the previous email with the title "IMPORTANT:
            Apertium will be
            migrating to GitHub" for details regarding this change.
            It is important to note
            that the permissions for committing to repositories on
            GitHub are not the same
            as before.

            For help with using git and GitHub, or if you want to
            avoid using git
            altogether, please see the wiki's help page [3].

            Note about GitHub organization membership: by default,
            everyone is a 'private'
            member of the Apertium organization on GitHub. If you
            wish to be publicly
            visible on the organization page [9], please change your
            membership to 'public'

            There was a lot of discussion about this migration,
            including on the wiki page
            [4] and in an email thread [5]. If you have further
            questions about the
            migration, or problems with using the GitHub
            repositories, you can:
             - contact me [6] or Sushain [7]
             - send an email to
             - join the IRC channel #apertium on Freenode [8]

            Thank you,
            Shardul Chiplunkar

              [6]: Shardul Chiplunkar <
              [7]: Sushain Cherivirala <

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            world's most
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