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On Wed, 18 Apr 2018 14:41:33 +0530
arghya bhattacharay
<arghyati...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It would be really helpful to get to know what are the python NLP
> libraries that people generally prefer to use so as to gain some
> insight on what is desirable in the API being built and explore the
> various implementation types that users find convenient.
> I would request one and all to kindly give their inputs on their
> choice of python NLP libraries.

One thing that I have to say I found particularly nice is the pyfst[1]
for OpenFST, this is after having programmed with the OpenFST bridge to
HFST in c++, it mostly just works and has a real pythonic feel to it.
And the ipython notebook addition is very nice.

As a short example I would probably want to use apertium python module
e.g. like this:

import apertium

ape_fin = apertium.load("fin-morph")
analyses = ape_fin.analyse("kissa")
for analysis in analyses:
ape_findeu = apertium.load("fin-deu-debug")
translations = ape_findeu.translate("puutarhassa")
for translation in translations:

Details about package/class/functions and names are unimportant to
me, but it should be simple and not require messing about with
irrelevant datatypes (headers/streams/alphabets/pipelines/...) and
underlying complexities like many c++-to-python bindings tend to be.

[1] <https://pyfst.github.io/>
Doktor Tommi A Pirinen, Computational Linguist,
<https://flammie.github.io/purplemonkeydishwasher/>, Universität
Hamburg, Hamburger Zentrum für Sprachkorpora <http://hzsk.de>. CLARIN-D
Entwickler.  President of ACL SIGUR SIG for Uralic languages
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