Salut Bernard,

Je ne comprends pas pourquoi faudrait-il changer les paradigmes
académique__adj, mois__n et fois__n comme tu le dis. Je n'ai jamais
rencontré aucun problème avec ces définitions. Elles sont aussi standards
dans Apertium dans d'autres langues romaines. Peux-tu donner des exemples ?
Ce qui, par contre, me pose parfois des problèmes ce sont les paradigmes
anglais__adj et affectueu/x__adj, mais très rarement.


Missatge de Bernard Chardonneau <> del dia dg., 29 de
març 2020 a les 0:52:

> My point of view now.
> About French<->English translations.
> There are a lot of candidates for working for Apertium during GSOC and few
> (I don't know what part) of them are taken. So, for the reason Hèctor
> indicated, the English-French pair my not be taken for GSOC.
> But for me, any language pair not available as a free software is
> interesting
> for Apertium project, so, it will be good to develop English-French pair in
> the future, even if it is outside GSOC. The fact Systran (a French
> enterprise)
> proposed several years ago it's translator for around 50 € the Windows
> version,
> but around 5000 $ the version for GNU/Linux / UNIX is a shame that gave me
> a
> good reason to join the apertium project.
> So, for the pairs including Esperanto.
> When these pairs were developed, each pair included any data files needed
> to
> compile a language pair. So these pairs includes at least :
> - one morphological dictionary for each language,
> - one file for disambiguating analysis for each language,
> - a bilingual dictionary,
> - transfer files,
> - generally one post-generation file for each language (not really needed
> when
>   target language is Esperanto, but there is one of these files in eo-en
> pair.
> For the nature and the content of these files, let watch the wiki pages.
> Here
> is a list of pages
> generally available both in English and French.
> For installing Apertium, there was a lot of changes and English pages are
> the
> most up to date.
> A presentation in French about how Apertium works is also available here :
>  (for the slides)
> for the sound.
> (As I only used my personal computer with a video-projector 3 times in my
> life (always for Apertium), I was not used to first plug the
> video-projector
> cable, and secondly start or reboot my computer).
> Now, morphological dictionaries, disambiguation files and post-generation
> files
> are in the language branch and any (new) language pair using one particular
> language access the same files for it.
> So, the new language pairs includes only specifics files for this pair
> which
> are :
> - bilingual dictionary
> - transfer files.
> For the French Esperanto pair, there are 2 accesses on Apertium repository
> :
> apertium-eo-fr
> apertium-epo-fra
> apertium-eo-fr is the original version which only translates French into
> Esperanto. I updated dictionaries when adding words, but I finally stopped
> doing it.
> apertium-epo-fra has quite the same files. But last updates of dictionaries
> were done only in this pair. Transfer files for translating French into
> Esperanto are exactly the same (or possibly only their visual aspect was
> changed). But this pair also include transfer files for translating
> Esperanto into French. This side is not finished, was never released and
> must be improved.
> So, for this pair, here is what could be done :
> In apertium-fra/apertium-fra.fra.metadix
> When a paradigm analyzes a word with gender mf or number sp, add RL
> lines to accept also generation with gender m ou f or number sg or pl.
> 2 examples of paradigms to change :
> In apertium-fra.fra.metadix we find :
> <pardef n="académique__adj">
>   <e>       <p><l>s</l>         <r><s n="adj"/><s n="mf"/><s
> n="pl"/></r></p></e>
>   <e>       <p><l></l>          <r><s n="adj"/><s n="mf"/><s
> n="sg"/></r></p></e>
> </pardef>
> <pardef n="mois__n">
>   <e>       <p><l></l>          <r><s n="n"/><s n="m"/><s
> n="sp"/></r></p></e>
> </pardef>
> <pardef n="fois__n">
>   <e>       <p><l></l>          <r><s n="n"/><s n="f"/><s
> n="sp"/></r></p></e>
> </pardef>
> A better form present (and necessary) in apertium-epo-fra (and
> apertium-fra-por) is :
>     <pardef n="académique__adj">
>       <e r="LR"><p><l></l>          <r><s n="adj"/><s n="mf"/><s
> n="sg"/></r></p></e>
>       <e r="LR"><p><l>s</l>         <r><s n="adj"/><s n="mf"/><s
> n="pl"/></r></p></e>
>       <e r="RL"><p><l></l>          <r><s n="adj"/><s n="m"/><s
> n="sg"/></r></p></e>
>       <e r="RL"><p><l>s</l>         <r><s n="adj"/><s n="m"/><s
> n="pl"/></r></p></e>
>       <e r="RL"><p><l></l>          <r><s n="adj"/><s n="f"/><s
> n="sg"/></r></p></e>
>       <e r="RL"><p><l>s</l>         <r><s n="adj"/><s n="f"/><s
> n="pl"/></r></p></e>
>     </pardef>
>     <pardef n="fois__n"
>       <e><p><l></l>                 <r><s n="n"/><s n="f"/><s
> n="sp"/></r></p></e>
>       <e r="RL"><p><l></l>          <r><s n="n"/><s n="f"/><s
> n="sg"/></r></p></e>
>       <e r="RL"><p><l></l>          <r><s n="n"/><s n="f"/><s
> n="pl"/></r></p></e>
>     </pardef>
>     <pardef n="mois__n"
>       <e><p><l></l>                 <r><s n="n"/><s n="m"/><s
> n="sp"/></r></p></e>
>       <e r="RL"><p><l></l>          <r><s n="n"/><s n="m"/><s
> n="sg"/></r></p></e>
>       <e r="RL"><p><l></l>          <r><s n="n"/><s n="m"/><s
> n="pl"/></r></p></e>
>     </pardef>
> For the first paradigm, the more simple syntax in fra-por pair is even a
> little
> better :
>     <pardef n="académique__adj">
>       <e><p><l></l>                 <r><s n="adj"/><s n="mf"/><s
> n="sg"/></r></p></e>
>       <e><p><l>s</l>                <r><s n="adj"/><s n="mf"/><s
> n="pl"/></r></p></e>
>       <e r="RL"><p><l></l>          <r><s n="adj"/><s n="m"/><s
> n="sg"/></r></p></e>
>       <e r="RL"><p><l>s</l>         <r><s n="adj"/><s n="m"/><s
> n="pl"/></r></p></e>
>       <e r="RL"><p><l></l>          <r><s n="adj"/><s n="f"/><s
> n="sg"/></r></p></e>
>       <e r="RL"><p><l>s</l>         <r><s n="adj"/><s n="f"/><s
> n="pl"/></r></p></e>
>     </pardef>
> So, this kind of change will have to be done everywhere in
> apertium-fra.fra.metadix
> a word is analysed as mf (don't know if masculine or feminine) or sp
> (don't know if
> singular ou plural).
> That id already done everywhere in apertium-epo-fra.epo.dix (as in
> apertium-fra-por.fra.metadix), so, you will just have to report these
> changes.
> Add the words presents into apertium-epo-fra.fra.dix which are not yet
> also in apertium-fra.fra.metadix
> Note : At least for one paradigm there is a difference between the two
> files.
> masculine names on which a "s" is added for plural use paradigm livre__n in
> apertium-fra.fra.metadix but accessoire__n in apertium-epo-fra.fra.dix
> I prefer accessoire__n that would do for the two most commons paradigms
> for names, the reference name or the paradigm appearing very early in the
> alphabetically sorted list of words.
> So, let change everywhere livre__n by accessoire__n
> I don't know if there are other paradigms doing the same with different
> names
> in the two files, but if you find them, let take as the reference word the
> first of these names in alphabetical order.
> Like that, the most frequently used paradigms will be the ones who appear
> early in the full list of words alphabetically sorted. And that could be
> a help for choosing a paradigm without generally having to read the content
> of a large number of them.
> Now for the language epo.
> I found a horrible file of more than 200 000 lines of paradigms, and no
> word for using them ! Completely useless. Only comments in the sdef section
> could be usefull.
> So, this file will have to be built again from apertium-epo-fra.epo.dix and
> apertium-eo-en.eo.dix.xml (+ eventually other files of that kind) to get
> all the Esperanto word used in these pairs. Paradigm used seem to work the
> same in both pairs.
> After that, you will have to test if tranfer rules still work and correct
> them.
> As he said, for eo-en pair, ask to Jacob Nordfalk
> For fra => epo translation direction, ask to Hèctor Alòs
> For epo => fra translation direction, ask to me.
> For this translation direction, the 0 step (apertium-epo-fra.epo-fra.t0x)
> add "unu" to names without the determinant "la". That allows to use the
> same transfer rules for names with determinant "le" "la" "les" (or
> sometimes
> "l'" after post generation) and for names with determinant "un" "une"
> "des".
> After that, only one stage of transfer is used. Presently, there are no
> rules
> for adverbs, or for pronouns in accusative form. Adding them would reduce a
> lot the number of # in a translation.
> I also did a lot of tranfer rules for sentences like
> <det>? <adj>* <n> "de" <det>? <adj>* <n> estas <adj>
> <det>? <adj>* <n> "de" <det>? <adj>* <n> <verb>
> Example :
> la kato de la najbarino estas blanka
> la malgranda katino de la najbaro estas blanka
> la kanino de la dika najbarino ne estas nigra
> katoj de la dika granda najbaro estas blankaj
> ..
> With the possibility of having 0, 1 or 2 adjectives for each name, that
> makes plenty of similar transfer rules, even if in that case, the 0 step
> divides them by 4.
> A good change should be to rewrite transfer rules for this kind of
> sentences using a 3 stage transfer. That allows to process shorter
> lists of words send gender and number (or other informations) of one
> group to another.
> > Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 13:48:17 +0300
> > From: Hèctor Alòs i Font <>
> > To: "[apertium-stuff]" <>,
> >  Bernard Chardonneau <>,
> >  Jacob Nordfalk <>
> > Reply-To:
> > Subject: Re: [Apertium-stuff] GSoC
> > Pièce(s) jointes(s) probable(s)>
> > Saluton, Andrew!
> > Mi ĝojas legi pri propono rilata al esperanto. Mi daŭrigas angle, por ke
> al
> > ĉiuj estu kompreneble.
> >
> > It probably doesn't make any sense to work on the English-French pair in
> > Apertium, since these are two of the languages with the most resources in
> > the world (linguistic and non-linguistic). As a result, there are quite a
> > lot of good translators between them, although most of them commercial.
> >
> > Esperanto is also included in Google Translator, but I think the
> > Esperanto-French translation can be done at a similar level in Apertium.
> > Moreover, the translation from Esperanto to French could be used to test
> > the new apertium-recursive module.
> >
> > In fact, the current versions of Apertium's four Esperanto pairs
> (English ⇆
> > Esperanto, French → Esperanto, Spanish → Esperanto and Catalan →
> > Esperanto)
> > were released ten years ago. They all use the old all-in-one-repository
> > structure. Porting these four pairs into the new structure which shares
> > language resources (using apertium-eng, apertium-fra, apertium-spa and
> > apertium-cat) would result in a big improvement, because a lot of work
> has
> > been done in Apertium on these languages in the last ten years. But
> porting
> > is not automatic, since there are differences betweem the monodixes of
> the
> > current pairs and the ones in the given four repositories. There are even
> > differences between the Esperanto-monodixes in these four pairs.
> >
> > Another question is that @Bernard Chardonneau <> has
> > been working in his own branch of apertium-fra-esp. So, it'd be
> interesting
> > to read to what he thinks on a GSoC that would include this pair. Maybe
> he
> > could find time to mentor the project (and maybe @Jacob Nordfalk
> > <>, who created the Esperanto-English pair,
> too).
> >
> > So, in short, in my opinion:
> >
> > - You should evaluate the quality of the current Google translation,
> > especially for the French-Esperanto pair, in which Google translates in
> two
> > steps (this
> > <
> >
> >> is what I did in a similar case last year)
> >
> > - A part of the project could be a kind of elementary "make a language
> pair
> > state-of the art
> > <
> >".
> >> At a minimum this would include the French-Esperanto pair
> >
> > - Maybe half of the project could be developing a translator from
> Esperanto
> > into French
> >
> > Hèctor
> >
> > Missatge de Andrew Briand <> del dia dc., 25 de març
> > 2020 a les 11:46:
> >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > I am an undergrad interested in adopting an Apertium language pair for
> > > Google Summer of Code 2020. I am most interested in French<->English,
> > > Esperanto->English, and Esperanto<->French. What might a project for
> those
> > > language pairs look like?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Thank you,
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Andrew Briand
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Apertium-stuff mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------
> Bernard Chardonneau (France)
> Phone : [33] 9 72 36 32 90
> GSM phone : [33] 7 69 46 16 31
> An alternative Apertium translation website :
> Multilingual websites for my free softwares :
> and
> (mainly translated with Apertium)
> My general website (in french only)
> _______________________________________________
> Apertium-stuff mailing list
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