I'm interested in contributing to the evaluation guidelines draft as writer
as expressed before, although I won't be able to actively work on this
earlier than the second week of Feb'14.


On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 8:45 PM, Wesley Eddy <w...@mti-systems.com> wrote:

> Hi, as we've entered 2014 and have charter milestones that we're
> working towards, Richard and I thought it would be good to start
> periodically sending a "status report" to the WG mailing list so
> that we can all keep up with what's going on, and focus our efforts
> together on the things that need work.
> Towards that goal, here is a snapshot of where we think the AQM
> working group is at today, and what the next steps are that people
> can contribute to:
> - WG Milestones:
>   - Submit AQM recommendations to IESG for publication, obsoleting RFC
> 2309 (Goal: January 2014)
>     - draft-ietf-aqm-recommendation is accepted towards this milestone
>     - http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-aqm-recommendation/
>     - the draft needs to be updated per comments received, including
> feedback on the recommendations from the Vancouver meeting
>     - if the authors are comfortable, a WGLC might be made on the next
> revision
>     - we would like to hear from other authors of RFC 2309 on this
> document, if anyone has contacts to them.
>   - Submit AQM algorithm evaluation guidelines to IESG for publication
> as Informational (Goal: July 2014)
>     - We need an editor team to step forward and begin work on this;
> there was initial work presented in Vancouver, but no draft available or
> adopted by the working group yet.
>     - It will be difficult to make this milestone, and will push other
> milestones back, if this work isn't accelerated.
>     - Please express interest to the chairs or on-list
>   - Submit first algorithm specification to IESG for publication as
> Proposed Standard (Goal: December 2014)
>     - Since any Proposed Standard algorithm should be in line with the
> recommendations and be passable versus the evaluation guidelines, this
> milestone is hard to start on without significant progress on the
> previous two.
>     - Currently the only algorithm spec with a complete and active
> individual-submission draft is PIE
> - Other items:
>   - draft-pan-aqm-pie is under active work as a proposed algorithm:
>     http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-pan-aqm-pie-00.txt
>   - CoDel draft is expired; Dave Taht or others may revive it and/or
> describe pairing with FQ/SFQ algorithms:
>     http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-nichols-tsvwg-codel-01.txt
>   - Other algorithm specifications are welcome!
>     - Though, we are not planning on adopting algorithms until
> recommendations and evaluation guidelines are mostly stable
> --
> Wes Eddy
> MTI Systems
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